pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/glommer/memcg.git  about / heads / tags
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# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  kmemcg-lru-shrinker memcg: allow kmem limit to be resized down (2013-06-05)
  cpu_stat     sched: introduce cgroup file stat_percpu (2013-05-15)
  page_cgroup  memcg: defer page_cgroup initialization (2013-04-05)
  cpu_stat-tmp sched: introduce cgroup file stat_percpu (2013-01-24)
  memcg-locking memcg: avoid dangling reference count in creation failure. (2013-01-21)
  kmemcg-shrinker-tmp sl[auo]b: retry allocation once in case of failure. (2012-12-20)
  kmemcg-shrinker sl[auo]b: retry allocation once in case of failure. (2012-12-19)
  kmemcg-slab  memcg: debugging facility to access dangling memcgs. (2012-11-21)
  die-cpuacct  cpuacct: don't actually do anything. (2012-11-19)
  tmp-cache-free sl[au]b: always get the cache from its page in kmem_cache_free (2012-10-23)
  slab-common/kmalloc CK2 [15/15] Common Kmalloc cache determination (2012-10-22)
  kmemcg-stack Add documentation about the kmem controller (2012-10-16)
  slab-common/slabinfo sl[au]b: process slabinfo_show in common code (2012-09-28)
* master       Merge tag 'fixes-for-linus' of git:// (2012-09-06)

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