pub/scm/devel/sparse/chrisl/sparse.git  about / heads / tags
Chris Li's sparse repository.
# heads (aka `branches'):
$ git for-each-ref --sort=-creatordate refs/heads \
	--format='%(HEAD) %(refname:short) %(subject) (%(creatordate:short))'
  dominator-flat Dominator tree and dominance frontier for IR. (2018-03-02)
  merge-luc-master simplify cast of constant using wrong size (2018-03-02)
  pseudo-size-fix Quick fix for the psuedo size crash (2018-02-25)
  pseudo-sized-value-v2 sparse-llvm: use pseudo->size to select llvm integer type (2017-11-13)
  cflags-v4    Makefile: provide CFLAGS for command line override. (2017-11-10)
  simplify-context-expr Simplify expr->flags assignement (2017-11-05)
  cflags-v3    Makefile: provide CFLAGS for command line override. (2017-11-04)
  cflags-v2    Makefile: provide CFLAGS for command line override. (2017-10-31)
  cflags       Makefile: provide CFLAGS for command line override. (2017-10-29)
  debug-target-v4 Makefile: introduce minimal target (2017-10-06)
  debug-target-v3 Makefile: introduce minimal target (2017-10-06)
  llvm-cgcc    testsuite: teach sparsec and sparsei use cgcc (2017-08-31)
  debug-target-v2 Makefile: Adding OPT variable for optmize level (2017-08-22)
  debug-target Makefile: Adding OPT variable for optmize level (2017-08-13)
  pseudo-sized-value Give the constant pseudo value a size (2017-08-13)
  sparse-next-20170712 Let pseudo->users loop on duplicate versin of list (2017-07-12)
  ptrlist-refcount-clean check on delete list entry while parent caller using it. (2017-07-09)
  test-ptrlist Add ptrlist speed test program (2017-07-08)
  check-ptrlist-inner-delete check on delete list entry while parent caller using it. (2017-07-06)
  review-2016-11-18 fix discarded label statement (2016-11-18)
* master       sparse: update __builtin_object_size() prototype (2016-11-17)
  review-pure-attr3 Ignore pure attribute in assignement (2015-02-12)
  review-immutable-string Make macro expanded string immutable (2015-02-06)
  review-pure-attr2 Trivial: Teach show_typename() show modifier in function (2014-11-17)
  review-pure-attr Pure attribute should only apply to function (2014-11-16)
  rfc-attribute-struct Remove the redundant attribute from ctype structure. (2014-10-17)
  review-ramsay compile-i386.c: don't ignore return value of write(2) (2014-10-15)
  unclean-preprocess-hook Using token_list to keep track of the macro expanding (2012-05-11)

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