I haven't tried, but you can test with the following approach: 1. Setup nopasswd sudo 2. In you custom command, disable pseudo (export PSEUDO_UNLOAD=1) 3. Run 'sudo chroot ...' 4. You may also need to enable the 'network' flag for do_rootfs/do_image_xxx task (whichever task your command is run in) to avoid namespace messing things up. E.g., do_rootfs['network'] = 1 Anyway, if you can find a way to adjust syslinux class to add extra functionality to it, that would be best. Regards, Qi From: poky@lists.yoctoproject.org On Behalf Of Nicolas Wirth via lists.yoctoproject.org Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 10:42 PM To: poky@lists.yoctoproject.org Subject: Re: [poky] Running chroot-like command in Yocto #yocto That's not entirely true. The syslinux class does indeed a lot of this, I was able to experiment with this using the live hddimage. However, this mechanism ends up creating 2 different partitions, one containing the bootloader, and one containing the rootfs. I would like to have them in the same partition. I was able to find how to do it by scripting, but it's outside of the build environment. My script looks like this: loop_dev=$(losetup --find --partscan --show "my-image-genericx86-64.wic") if [[ -z "$loop_dev" ]]; then echo "Failed to set up loop device!" exit 1 fi if [[ "$arch" == "amd64" ]]; then echo "Setting up Extlinux" mount_dir=$(mktemp --directory) mount ${loop_dev}p1 ${mount_dir} extlinux --install ${mount_dir}/boot/syslinux umount ${loop_dev}p1 fi