Hi Nathaniel

Thanks for replying.
I've started integrating chipsec into buildroot.


On Friday, September 24, 2021, 12:08:52 AM GMT+3, Mitchell, Nathaniel P <nathaniel.p.mitchell@intel.com> wrote:

Hi Tal,


I am not familiar with Buildroot, so I’m not sure if there are limitations around that. For the Makefile, it should work just fine without modifications. You’ll just have to set the KSRC variable to point to the kernel source/header directory you are compiling for.


If you have any questions feel free to post them on the GitHub issues page or feel free to reach out to us directly at chipsec@intel.com.






From: Tal Lubko <tallubko@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2021 03:10 AM
To: chipsec@lists.01.org
Subject: [chipsec] chipsec as Buildroot's package




I'm thinking of adding chipsec to Buildroot.

Are there any limitations for that?


Can the kernel module be built against a kernel that is not the one of the build machine without Makefile modifications?


