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From: Nathan Ricci via lttng-dev <>
To: Philippe Proulx <>
Cc: "" <>
Subject: Re: [lttng-dev] [EXTERNAL] Re: error with ctf_sequence_text when using non-utf8 encoded strings
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2024 19:05:52 +0000	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <>


        Running that babeltrace command gives an error:

# babeltrace2 -o ctf-metadata /home/naricc/lttng-traces/my-user-space-session-20240131-161638/
01-31 18:59:17.715 1166285 1166285 E PLUGIN/SRC.CTF.FS/QUERY metadata_info_query@query.c:111 [fs] Cannot open trace metadata: path="/home/naricc/lttng-traces/my-user-space-session-20240131-161638/".
01-31 18:59:17.715 1166285 1166285 W LIB/QUERY-EXECUTOR bt_query_executor_query@query-executor.c:243 Component class's "query" method failed: query-exec-addr=0x557f47f2fb20, cc-addr=0x557f47f3e300, cc-type=SOURCE, cc-name="fs", cc-partial-descr="Read CTF traces from the file sy", cc-is-frozen=0, cc-so-handle-addr=0x557f47f3d430, cc-so-handle-path="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/babeltrace2/plugins/", object="metadata-info", params-addr=0x557f47f2e9d0, params-type=MAP, params-element-count=1, log-level=WARNING
01-31 18:59:17.715 1166285 1166285 E CLI cmd_print_ctf_metadata@babeltrace2.c:1083 Failed to query `metadata-info` object: unknown error

I was able to just read the meta data file with cat though:

/home/naricc/lttng-traces/my-user-space-session-20240131-161638/ust/uid/1002/64-bit# cat metadata
W�u��X��C�`m�+�0c/* CTF 1.8 */

typealias integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint8_t;
typealias integer { size = 16; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint16_t;
typealias integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint32_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := uint64_t;
typealias integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = false; } := unsigned long;
typealias integer { size = 5; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint5_t;
typealias integer { size = 27; align = 1; signed = false; } := uint27_t;

trace {
        major = 1;
        minor = 8;
        uuid = "17bd8558-e1c1-43ee-9a93-9c606db72bb0";
        byte_order = le;
        packet.header := struct {
                uint32_t magic;
                uint8_t  uuid[16];
                uint32_t stream_id;
                uint64_t stream_instance_id;

env {
        domain = "ust";
        tracer_name = "lttng-ust";
        tracer_major = 2;
        tracer_minor = 13;
        tracer_buffering_scheme = "uid";
        tracer_buffering_id = 1002;
        architecture_bit_width = 64;
        trace_name = "my-user-space-session";
        trace_creation_datetime = "20240131T161638+0000";
        hostname = "TDC20748914";

clock {
        name = "monotonic";
        uuid = "ece735c7-26b7-446c-b6fe-1edefe5c7062";
        description = "Monotonic Clock";
        freq = 1000000000; /* Frequency, in Hz */
        /* clock value offset from Epoch is: offset * (1/freq) */
        offset = 1705964436712174561;

typealias integer {
        size = 27; align = 1; signed = false;
        map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint27_clock_monotonic_t;

typealias integer {
        size = 32; align = 8; signed = false;
        map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint32_clock_monotonic_t;

typealias integer {
        size = 64; align = 8; signed = false;
        map = clock.monotonic.value;
} := uint64_clock_monotonic_t;

struct packet_context {
        uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_begin;
        uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp_end;
        uint64_t content_size;
        uint64_t packet_size;
        uint64_t packet_seq_num;
        unsigned long events_discarded;
        uint32_t cpu_id;

struct event_header_compact {
        enum : uint5_t { compact = 0 ... 30, extended = 31 } id;
        variant <id> {
                struct {
                        uint27_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
                } compact;
                struct {
                        uint32_t id;
                        uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
                } extended;
        } v;
} align(8);

struct event_header_large {
        enum : uint16_t { compact = 0 ... 65534, extended = 65535 } id;
        variant <id> {
                struct {
                        uint32_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
                } compact;
                struct {
                        uint32_t id;
                        uint64_clock_monotonic_t timestamp;
                } extended;
        } v;
} align(8);

event {
        name = "naricc_test_provider:test_event";
        id = 0;
        stream_id = 0;
        loglevel = 13;
        fields := struct {
                integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = 0; encoding = none; base = 10; } __utf8_text_sequence_length;
                integer { size = 8; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = UTF8; base = 10; } _utf8_text_sequence[ __utf8_text_sequence_length ];
                integer { size = 64; align = 8; signed = 0; encoding = none; base = 10; } __wchar_text_sequence_length;
                integer { size = 32; align = 8; signed = 1; encoding = UTF8; base = 10; } _wchar_text_sequence[ __wchar_text_sequence_length ];

stream {
        id = 0;
        event.header := struct event_header_large;
        packet.context := struct packet_context;

I think ctf_sequence will work as a work around, although it will make it somewhat more annoying for the program eventually reading these traces.

              --Nathan Ricci

-----Original Message-----
From: Philippe Proulx <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 1:39 PM
To: Nathan Ricci <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [lttng-dev] error with ctf_sequence_text when using non-utf8 encoded strings

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On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 12:58 PM Nathan Ricci via lttng-dev <> wrote:
> I am trying to emit a trace that has a wchar string, using as one of the fields ctf_sequence_text. When the trace is recorded, it seems like everything at but the first character is truncated, and I think this is because it is assuming UTF8 encoding and stopping at the first null character.  This is on Ubuntu 22.04, using this liblttng-ust package:

Hi Nathan.

I'd like to see your generated trace metadata. Here's how:

    $ babeltrace2 -o ctf-metadata /path/to/dir/containing/metadata

In your case, that path is somewhere within `~/lttng-traces/my-user-space-session-20240131-161638`.

CTF 1.8 doesn't support "wide characters" or any other string encoding than UTF-8 and its ASCII subset.

Therefore LTTng-UST assumes UTF-8 and doesn't care about anything past the first U+0000 codepoint (single zero byte in UTF-8).

I don't think it's an error per se, but maybe the ctf_sequence_text() macro could fail with an element type having a size greater than one byte (like `wchar_t`)?

That being said, you'll be glad to learn that, although it won't help in the short term, CTF 2 will support UTF-8-, UTF-16-, and UTF-32-encoded string fields: <>.

In the meantime, you could use the ctf_sequence() macro, but your string will become a dynamic-length array of integers in the CTF data stream, meaning you'll need to decode it manually using the Babeltrace 2 API.

I'll wait for your metadata text.

Philippe Proulx

> liblttng-ust-common1/jammy,now 2.13.1-1ubuntu1
> I’ve boiled this down to a simple repro; I’ve included the code below,
> but you can also get it here:
> https://gith/
> 72ac60916b6455e566108dc228c0470%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1
> %7C0%7C638423233009199050%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAi
> LCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C60000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=
> jugmTDeB4upGRIKotLuSFqfbIEwlbrp0z96GON2r%2BcI%3D&reserved=0
> Here is the main file:
> -----
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include <lttng/lttng.h>
> #include <lttng/tracepoint.h>
> #include <wchar.h>
> #include "repro-tracepoint.h"
> int main() {
>     puts("Hello, World!\nPress Enter to continue...");
>     getchar();
>     const char* utf8_text_value = "Hello, UTF8 Sequence Text!";
>     const wchar_t *wchar_text_value = L"Hello, WChar Sequence Text!";
>     // Emit the tracepoint event with the sequence text field
>     lttng_ust_tracepoint(naricc_test_provider, test_event,
> utf8_text_value, wchar_text_value);
>     return 0;
> }
> ----
> Here is the tracepoint header (repro-tracepoint.h):
> ___
> #define TRACEPOINT_PROVIDER naricc_test_provider
> #define TRACEPOINT_INCLUDE "./repro-tracepoint.h"
> #if !defined(_TP_H) || defined(TRACEPOINT_HEADER_MULTI_READ)
> #define _TP_H
> #include <lttng/tracepoint.h>
> #include <wchar.h>
> // Define the tracepoint event with a sequence text field
> TRACEPOINT_EVENT(naricc_test_provider, test_event,
>     TP_ARGS(
>         const char*, utf8_text_value,
>         const wchar_t*, wchar_text_value
>     ),
>     TP_FIELDS(
>         ctf_sequence_text(char, utf8_text_sequence, utf8_text_value,
> size_t, strlen(utf8_text_value))
>         ctf_sequence_text(wchar_t, wchar_text_sequence,
> wchar_text_value, size_t, wcslen(wchar_text_value) * 2 + 2)
>     )
> )
> #endif /* _TP_H */
> #include <lttng/tracepoint-event.h>
> ----
> And here is the repro-tracepoint.cpp:
> ___
> #include "repro-tracepoint.h"
> ---
> I built it like so:
> g++ -c -I. repro-tracepoint.cpp
> g++ -c lttng-test.cpp
> g++ -o lttng-test lttng-test.o repro-tracepoint.o -llttng-ust -ldl
> naricc@TDC20748914:/workspace/lttng-test$
> ---
> After starting a session, running that program, and destroying the session, this is what I get with babeltrace2:
> ```
> $ babeltrace2  ~/lttng-traces/my-user-space-session-20240131-161638
> [16:16:43.553211421] (+?.?????????) TDC20748914
> naricc_test_provider:test_event: { cpu_id = 6 }, {
> _utf8_text_sequence_length = 26, utf8_text_sequence = "Hello, UTF8
> Sequence Text!", _wchar_text_sequence_length = 56, wchar_text_sequence
> = [ [0] = 72, [1] = 0, [2] = 0, [3] = 0, [4] = 0, [5] = 0, [6] = 0,
> [7] = 0, [8] = 0, [9] = 0, [10] = 0, [11] = 0, [12] = 0, [13] = 0,
> [14] = 0, [15] = 0, [16] = 0, [17] = 0, [18] = 0, [19] = 0, [20] = 0,
> [21] = 0, [22] = 0, [23] = 0, [24] = 0, [25] = 0, [26] = 0, [27] = 0,
> [28] = 0, [29] = 0, [30] = 0, [31] = 0, [32] = 0, [33] = 0, [34] = 0,
> [35] = 0, [36] = 0, [37] = 0, [38] = 0, [39] = 0, [40] = 0, [41] = 0,
> [42] = 0, [43] = 0, [44] = 0, [45] = 0, [46] = 0, [47] = 0, [48] = 0,
> [49] = 0, [50] = 0, [51] = 0, [52] = 0, [53] = 0, [54] = 0, [55] = 0 ]
> }
> ```
> The utf8 sequence prints fine, but the wchar one is truncated to a single character and then zeros.  To rule out an error in babelltrace, I inspected the channel files with hexedit and found this:
> ```
> 85 58  E1 C1 43 EE  9A 93 9C 60  6D B7 2B B0  00 00 00 00  .......X..C....`m.+.....
> 00000018   06 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  6A 33 DA B4  2D AD 02 00  04 78 1C 56  30 AD 02 00  ........j3..-....x.V0...
> 00000030   60 0B 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 80 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  `.......................
> 00000048   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  06 00 00 00  FF FF 00 00  00 00 3C 10  F2 E2 2E AD  ..................<.....
> 00000060   02 00 1A 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 48 65  6C 6C 6F 2C  20 55 54 46  38 20 53 65  ..........Hello, UTF8 Se
> 00000078   71 75 65 6E  63 65 20 54  65 78 74 21  38 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  48 00 00 00  quence Text!8.......H...
> 00000090   00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  00 00 00 00  ........................
> ```
> So it seems the error in the the recording of the trace, not in the viewing.
> Looking into the lttng-ust code, it seems like ctf_sequence_text ends up mapped to this:
> lttng-ust/include/lttng/ust-tracepoint-event-write.h at
> 717c38f658248bc04ccfc6e7fdf5d03040c2a846 · lttng/lttng-ust · GitHub
> Which assumes utf8 encoding, and ultimately writes into a ring buffer terminating on null:
> lttng-ust/src/common/ringbuffer/backend.h at
> 717c38f658248bc04ccfc6e7fdf5d03040c2a846 · lttng/lttng-ust · GitHub
> If we agree this is an error, I believe I can produce a fix for it. Or if I am just using the APIs wrong, please let me know what I should do instead.
>              --Nathan Ricci
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2024-01-31 17:10 [lttng-dev] error with ctf_sequence_text when using non-utf8 encoded strings Nathan Ricci via lttng-dev
2024-01-31 18:39 ` Philippe Proulx via lttng-dev
2024-01-31 19:05   ` Nathan Ricci via lttng-dev [this message]

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