On 12/15/23 06:05, Martin Maurer wrote: > Hello, Hi, > I hope this mailing list is still read even when around 4 years no more > messages have been exchanged. The mailing list is still a thing. I've seen messages in '23 on the LARTC mailing list. -- Including a discussion about keeping it or not. My understanding is that the result was to migrate to the new system. > Or has the mailing list moved to some newer place and this one is now > obsolete? Not that I'm aware of. > I have some questions on tunneling with Linux: > > I have two servers: A and B. > > Server B has multiple interface (e.g. 4 interfaces, name it wwan0, > wwan1, wwan2, wwan3) going to different networks outside the current > network. Maybe your examples below have been simplified but it doesn't look like they go outside what I would assume to be the current network; Typical caveats about assumptions especially when you have /30 on your tunnels. > Between server A and B there shall be one or more tunnels, so that > server A is able to select which data goes over which interface on > server B. Would you please elaborate on how this selection is being made? It might be germane. At least specify if it's basic destination based routing or if it's more complex policy based routing. > 1) I tried GRE. Configured 4 IPv4 IP adresses on server A and 4 IPv4 IP > addresses on server B. Okay. > For each pair of IP addresses I installed a GRE tunnel between A and B. > > I named the tunnels conn0 to conn3: > > #!/bin/bash > sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1 > sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 > ip tunnel del conn0 > ip tunnel add conn0 mode gre local remote > dev eth0 > ip addr add dev conn0 > ip link set conn0 up > ... > > On server B I added forwarding rules like this (4 interfaces shown) I think we might be using different definitions of "forwarding rule". > sudo iptables-F I think that `-F` is going to flush the `filter` table which is the default. -- Maybe I'm mistaken and it also flushes all tables. > sudo iptables-P INPUT ACCEPT > sudo iptables-P FORWARD ACCEPT > sudo iptables-P OUTPUT ACCEPT Basic reset of default part of the filter table. > sudoiptables-t nat-A POSTROUTING -o wwan0 -j MASQUERADE You /might/ be dealing with unwanted state in the `nat` table. (See comment about `-F` above.) > sudoiptables-A FORWARD -i conn0 -o wwan0 -j ACCEPT > > sudoiptables-A FORWARD -i wwan0 -o conn0 -m > state--stateESTABLISHED,RELATED-j ACCEPT > ... These seem both simple enough. But they also seem redundant as I don't see anything that would deviate from the default policy of ACCEPT set above. > Could this work? Or I am missing something? Maybe. I don't know what your routing tables look like on systems A or B nor do I know how you are testing. I feel the need to say that FORWARDING is ostensibly messing with routed traffic. As such, it is dependent on if systems A and B think they need to route the traffic between different subnets. I'm not sure if you are trying to deal with bridged / unrouted traffic. That being said, iptables does have an option to filter bridged traffic too. But that's quite a bit more complex and would require a much more complete understanding of your configurations, tests cases, and what your end goal is. > Do I really need 4 IP addresses on server A and server B for the 4 > tunnels? Or can I do it with just 1 real IPv4 address on each side? I assume that you're asking about GRE tunnels and eliding other types of tunneling. My understanding is that GRE supports some form of key (think identifying tag, not encryption). As such, I think that you might be able to establish different tunnels using different keys between the same two endpoint IPs. We did this at ${OLD_DAY_JOB} between Juniper switches. I /think/ that Linux supports doing it too, but I've never tried. > "Inside" addresses relevant, or can i just use the same for each tunnel > (e.g. and If you want to use basic destination based routing, you will almost certainly need different addresses inside the tunnel. More complex policy based routing and / or iptables route manipulation /may/ be able to do this with duplicate IPs inside the tunnel. That being said, I would HIGHLY suggest that you not introduce the complexity of duplicate IPs in tunnels without good reason to do so. There are many options to choose from to avoid duplicate IPs. Heck, I think I'd go for unnumbered interfaces / device routes before I'd go the duplicate IP route. N.B. reverse path filtering may bite you here if you aren't careful. I'd also suggest a good understanding of the strong / weak host model as vagaries of that could also bite you. I almost guarantee that you will end up needing to use a sniffer to debug this. tcpdump and Wireshark / tshark are your friends, trust them. #trustTheBitsOnTheWire > I see with wireshark that sometimes packets are not exchanged over the > right tunnel. But I have not yet analyzed what is the problem. Which tunnel may have a lot to do with routing. Aside: That's what I get for typing replies as I read the message. As soon as I say something about sniffer, your next statement is saying you are using one. > 2) A suggestion was to use a stream id with IP-in-IP. > Can it really used for such a use case? Is the stream id used for > tunneling purposes at all? Is it supported by Linux,> to fill in > one sending tunneling endpoint and using it on receiving tunneling > endpoint? I'm not sure what stream id is in this context. I've seen it at multiple layers but can't recall exactly what it would be in this context. Sure, there are ways to have various things look at a specific id, but said IDs are almost always transient / ephemeral in nature and thus not good candidates to use in a static firewall configuration. I also think that dynamically updating iptables has it's own set of problems. If you want a dynamic firewall I'd highly suggest things like iptables' recent match extension. But I'd strongly suggest relying on routing, perhaps policy based routing, and not dynamically alter the firewall without really good reason. Read: really good reason being "it won't work without doing this" or "i am making a decision to do this contrary to others advice". > 3) Assuming in next step I also need encryption on tunnels: Okay. I was wondering if encryption would be needed. > Better to switch over to some different approach like VPN? Aside: What is /private/ in a VPN??? Private may simply be something that's not shared with someone else. Or it may be something that's encrypted such that only those with the decryption material can see it. GRE /is/ a virtual /private/ network in that it's for a specific set of traffic and shouldn't have other traffic. Also, VPN can be a LOT of different things. Based on the examples tunnels above, both A and B seem to be on a shared network segment. As such I would wonder if VLANs might work. VXLAN and MPLS might also be an option. Though they both usually have a bit of other complexity / daemons that they bring with them, though I'm not confident that they are strictly required. I am confident that there are many other networking technologies that the Linux kernel supports that can fall into the VPN category (unencrypted and / or encrypted). Then there is native Linux support for IPsec which can be wrapped around things. You could use IPsec /Transport/ Mode to protect the GRE tunnels that you have. -- I don't know if that would change the multiple IP pairs requirement or if Linux's transform (xform) support has the capability of differentiating GRE keys (tags). You could use Linux's native IPsec /Tunnel/ Mode in place of any other tunneling technology. I would probably suggest avoiding newer VPNs, which tend to require more user space interaction (at least for configuration), like OpenVPN or WireGuard. Sure, they will work, but there is a bit more that they need to work than I think is strictly necessary. Aside: I had IPsec /transport/ mode working between my public systems in a full mesh with shell scripts and kernel support. It worked great. Further aside: SNATing complicates the /need/ for tunnel mode vs transport mode. I successfully SNATed clients at home to my home router's public IP -- as one oft does in a SOHO configuration -- and easily connected to my VPS via the aforementioned full mess of IPsec /transport/ mode. SNATing happened before IPsec xfrm so it was quite happy to use /transport/ to connect from my home's SOHO's public IP to my VPS's public IP. }:-) > Or is there some "secure GRE" or "secure IP-in-IP"? Or possible to use > stunnel, or stunnel together with GRE or IP-in-IP? Or not preferred way? IPsec can be used to protect GRE or IP-in-IP traffic. N.B. My understanding is that IP-in-IP is a Linux specific counterpart that is roughly comparable to GRE. I think that Linux's support for IP-in-IP pre-dates Linux's support for GRE. I've always tried to favor GRE over IP-in-IP in order to be more compatible with other things. stunnel falls into that additional complexity and / or dependency on user-space things for network communications. -- It's okay if you need / want it being aware of the dependency. But I'd try to avoid it in this case. > Are there other variants instead of VPN which I shall look at? I don't know enough about what you're trying to accomplish so I can't say. But based on your email, I'd try multiple GRE tunnels between the same pair of IPs using GRE keys (tags) to differentiate the tunnels and I'd use IPsec /transport/ mode to protect said GRE tunnels. Or at least that's what I'd try first. If that didn't work and I couldn't figure out how to get past it, then I'd explore other options. > 4) A question which came up was "MTU". The above tunnels eats some bytes > from MTU. Ya. That's going to be a problem in just about everything you do. One advantage of the conn# GRE tunnel interfaces is that you can set a small enough MTU that will mean that the outer tunnel / encryption won't need to be fragmented. If you are on a LAN, you might be able to explore Jumbo Frames to be able to pass larger tunnel / encrypted frames / packets (which term depends on the technology) so that you can pass full 1500 B frames through the tunnel. I /think/ that some tunneling technologies support fragmenting things so that you can carry a 1500 B frame in multiple tunneled / encrypted packets / frames on the next network that only supports 1500 B frames. But this is getting quite complex. I'd suggest lowering the MTU on the conn# interfaces to 1400 (or whatever is necessary) to avoid the fragmentation issue and allow routing to do what it has been doing for 40+ years. That is unless you have an explicit reason to NOT do this as in what you're trying to do won't support this. But if that's the case, please share more details about what you're working on. > What happens if e.g. MTU gets reduced by GRE or IP-in-IP by 24 or 20 > bytes and a packet is sent which exceeds the reduced MTU. That depends on your configuration. > Is it fragmented automatically? Do I need to take care that sent > packets are now really smaller than 1476 or 1480 bytes? You should address this and avoid fragmentation if your sending & receiving applications suffer from fragmentation. > Is there perhaps some documentation, webpages or books which can help > me with info on such topics? Yes, lots, at least 20 years worth. But much of it is background and not much of it is a recipe. > Many thanks in advance! You're welcome. -- Grant. . . .