Hello! I'm Tiago and sorry for any mistake because it is my first bug report to git. So after git updated, I begin to get some errors and unexpected git status output. I made a test git repo to test this, and here are the results: ``` mkdir git_bug && cd git_bug git init -q && git maintenance register && echo "Done!" touch mkdir touch git status --short ## No commits yet on main ?? LICENSE ?? README.md ?? folder/ ?? folder_1/ git add git status ## No commits yet on main ?? LICENSE ?? README.md ?? folder/ ?? folder_1/ git commit -s -m "First commit" On branch main Initial commit Untracked files: LICENSE README.md folder/ folder_1/ nothing added to commit but untracked files present ``` Attached to this email follow the `git bugreport` and global `config` files, and the git_bug repo. I've checked my global config file and it seems all ok, but if there is some error or contradicition, please tell me. Thanks in advance!