From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B03F1C678DB for ; Sat, 4 Mar 2023 23:24:49 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S229621AbjCDXYs (ORCPT ); Sat, 4 Mar 2023 18:24:48 -0500 Received: from ([]:58504 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-OK) by with ESMTP id S229484AbjCDXYr (ORCPT ); Sat, 4 Mar 2023 18:24:47 -0500 Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::c32]) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 1F7B9D33C for ; Sat, 4 Mar 2023 15:24:46 -0800 (PST) Received: by with SMTP id e12-20020a4ae0cc000000b00525034ca5e9so1030049oot.0 for ; Sat, 04 Mar 2023 15:24:46 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112; t=1677972285; h=content-transfer-encoding:cc:to:subject:message-id:date:from :in-reply-to:references:mime-version:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=RUFEP+1A0Hsnl2Jbf9hnBQ0QIc9c3KVDe8Z/gDZuD0g=; b=gn1NtwFVd/rsthOh4o12B4Lq86ahw8SqI5yjverJG0oZt4zMkj4M6uh5xdPawGDp/6 SQQWhvtkGuQWDSl25U7D4IubBLCUHoZ8ayAOHafUGwjrV7PzxU8mm0czswWbb3HxdwCH 8mvoI1pg2Huxi8f2noLQKPCoF3gHEv3muVT3kRPZtMLe4uAUIxV3JTnPKoKyItMEg+wn ZUEyP+vFC2m0ZmYwRZLbsI+N6HEN1vD5mL6nY/buCc1/Yr9Y3pdWNxxxC7JZcEUQFVfz Pw0W15pe5fE454FKa0Wspq5GQNXAED1BbmZg41z2JG9X/KhfCD8t03Mc6ooMRi0KX7DK FZ2w== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112; t=1677972285; h=content-transfer-encoding:cc:to:subject:message-id:date:from :in-reply-to:references:mime-version:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=RUFEP+1A0Hsnl2Jbf9hnBQ0QIc9c3KVDe8Z/gDZuD0g=; b=H4g5WgC2vGb5JzskQYZcjdatR3h/sa9WFCuOb8wGmJCem1rLoV8ksP7DboMcYhN2ex ECd5Yj43Qvs59PV+DwXJp2hkd2VCrzqjfQ0qEPQSCa33HmOZlE977wd5SlR6qO5VTQwI c5geBRcIIoDSzWNoPPvxDSMuB4tzOdv4/FykMXw8CuqGu2JkcNLU1M9/K7caPjVkSDU3 s5sb7LmmGui8fMv3QhsSVWz7UiPg3EFk3jlj1W+9DY39mcoG9zOSJhL2mYPpqzPYs66u 7gc32zvp8p5p9eWgmPec/mjiSJOmym6FXI5B8Q9i/733Zg1rl2LGt97H4kO8RTNhOM2n xbIw== X-Gm-Message-State: AO0yUKWKKhC/wSK7QUtJhAdR+kVnlnty/7gOAiTEXsvSMI0gbPanWduQ 5qQowC8wBVPQ6lbHIhnZ9We+yzXLDQSu0S/G0og= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AK7set++kYeER3XLR4NGR2MsN90aXtDG2t0s4xS134iaZQQTliw3DNhJQk4zNxaY5mplIR7z3PfffTq5np846cQJ8Jo= X-Received: by 2002:a4a:d5d2:0:b0:525:54b6:dac1 with SMTP id a18-20020a4ad5d2000000b0052554b6dac1mr2515093oot.1.1677972285386; Sat, 04 Mar 2023 15:24:45 -0800 (PST) MIME-Version: 1.0 References: <> <> <> <> In-Reply-To: <> From: Alex Henrie Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2023 16:24:03 -0700 Message-ID: Subject: Re: [PATCH v5 3/3] rebase: add a config option for --rebase-merges To: Cc:,,,,,,, Glen Choo , Calvin Wan Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: On Thu, Mar 2, 2023 at 2:37=E2=80=AFAM Phillip Wood wrote: > On 25/02/2023 18:03, Alex Henrie wrote: > > +rebase.merges:: > > + Whether and how to set the `--rebase-merges` option by default. C= an > > + be `rebase-cousins`, `no-rebase-cousins`, or a boolean. Setting t= o > > + true is equivalent to `--rebase-merges` without an argument, sett= ing to > > + `rebase-cousins` or `no-rebase-cousins` is equivalent to > > + `--rebase-merges` with that value as its argument, and setting to= false > > + is equivalent to `--no-rebase-merges`. Passing `--rebase-merges` = on the > > + command line without an argument overrides a `rebase.merges=3Dfal= se` > > + configuration but does not override other values of `rebase.merge= `. > > I'm still not clear why the commandline doesn't override the config in > all cases as is our usual practice. After all if the user has set > rebase.merges then they don't need to pass --rebase-merges unless they > want to override the config. Given the current push to turn rebase-merges on by default, it seems likely that rebase-cousins will also be turned on by default at some point after that. There will be a warning about the default changing, and we'll want to let users suppress that warning by setting rebase.rebaseMerges=3Drebase-cousins. It would then be very confusing if a --rebase-merges from some old alias continued to mean --rebase-merges=3Dno-rebase-cousins when the user expects it to start behaving as though the default has already changed. I will rephrase the documentation in v6 to make it more clear that the absence of a specific value on the command line does not clobber a specific value set in the configuration, as Glen suggested. > > +test_expect_success '--rebase-merges=3Dno-rebase-cousins overrides reb= ase.merges=3Drebase-cousins' ' > > + test_config rebase.merges rebase-cousins && > > + git checkout -b override-config-rebase-cousins main && > > + git rebase --rebase-merges=3Dno-rebase-cousins HEAD^ && > > + test_cmp_graph HEAD^.. <<-\EOF > > + * Merge the topic branch '\''onebranch'\'' > > + |\ > > + | * D > > + | * G > > + o | H > > + |/ > > + o A > > + EOF > > +' > > I'm not sure this test adds much value, it is hard to see what kind of > regression would allow the others to pass but not this one. I was worried that I or someone else would forget to explicitly set rebase_cousins to 0 when no-rebase-cousins is given on the command line, assuming that it is already 0 because that is the default. The test makes me feel better, but I am happy to remove it if you still think it's overkill. > > +test_expect_success '--rebase-merges overrides rebase.merges=3Dfalse' = ' > > + test_config rebase.merges false && > > + git checkout -b override-config-merges-false E && > > + before=3D"$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)" && > > + test_tick && > > + git rebase --rebase-merges C && > > + test_cmp_rev HEAD $before > > This test passes if the rebase does nothing, maybe pass --force and > check the graph? The rebase is supposed to do nothing here. Checking that the commit hash is the same is just a quick way to check that the entire graph is the same. What more would be checked by checking the graph instead of the hash? Thanks for the feedback, -Alex