On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 7:55 AM chris.laplante@agilent.com <chris.laplante@agilent.com> wrote:
Hi all,

> This bug ("A web based playground for experimenting with bitbake variable
> expansion") has been preying on my mind ever since I read it on Bugzilla:
> https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14805.
> I'm happy to say that I have a simple proof-of-concept implementation built
> using Pyodide. The code needs some cleanup before I feel comfortable sharing
> it, but here are some details:

It took all Saturday, but a very perfunctory version of this tool is now live :). Check it out here: https://yoctoproject.github.io/bb-datastore-playground. Many thanks to Michael for setting up the GitHub repo for me!

It is basically a Python REPL with added 'bb' goodness.

It is very rough - no styling on the page, and it doesn't work on mobile. But it is already useful so please give it a try. It requires a modern-ish browser (though I haven't categorized what this actually means).

Next steps are to add a Godbolt-like editor and 'Run' button.


Michael Halstead
Linux Foundation / Yocto Project
Systems Operations Engineer