Thank you for looking into this so fast! Okay I disabled the service to get back to the state I was in: $ sudo systemctl disable alsa-fix.service Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/ Btw I did a fast test before that and after resume from hibernate the workaround doesn't seem to work anymore (only after reboot probably)... I am still learning; am on Debian since 3 weeks. then I did a --reinstall of alsa-base/utils & libasound2 for pristine installation of those $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base alsa-utils libasound2 I checked my $home/ folder for hidden files using $ls -a but there is no .asoundrc file there I made a collection of screenshots of alsamixer and pulseaudio settings for you; I hope they can help to resolve the issue. First two screenshots are xterm output. As you can see the channels are correctly auto-muted when I switch from speaker to headphone jack, but there's simply no audio coming out of that jack. Even pulseaudio shows a sound ping when I test headphone configuration (last screenshot). I also tried muting and unmuting in pulseaudio settings and switching to Analog Stereo configuration, no deal. I hope I'm able to help you fixing this!