# Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Eric Wong and all contributors # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) require './test/helper' require 'dtas/source/av' require 'tempfile' class TestSourceAv < Testcase def teardown @tempfiles.each { |tmp| tmp.close! } end def setup @tempfiles = [] end def x(cmd) system(*cmd) assert $?.success?, cmd.inspect end def new_file(suffix) tmp = Tempfile.new(%W(tmp .#{suffix})) @tempfiles << tmp cmd = %W(sox -r 44100 -b 16 -c 2 -n #{tmp.path} trim 0 1) return tmp if system(*cmd) nil end def test_flac return if `which metaflac`.strip.size == 0 tmp = new_file('flac') or return x(%W(metaflac --set-tag=FOO=BAR #{tmp.path})) x(%W(metaflac --add-replay-gain #{tmp.path})) source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(tmp.path) assert_equal source.comments["FOO"], "BAR", source.inspect rg = source.replaygain assert_kind_of DTAS::ReplayGain, rg assert_in_delta 0.0, rg.track_peak.to_f, 0.00000001 assert_in_delta 0.0, rg.album_peak.to_f, 0.00000001 assert_operator rg.album_gain.to_f, :>, 1 assert_operator rg.track_gain.to_f, :>, 1 end def test_mp3gain return if `which mp3gain`.strip.size == 0 a = new_file('mp3') or return b = new_file('mp3') or return # redirect stdout to /dev/null temporarily, mp3gain is noisy File.open("/dev/null", "w") do |null| old_out = $stdout.dup $stdout.reopen(null) begin x(%W(mp3gain -q #{a.path} #{b.path})) ensure $stdout.reopen(old_out) old_out.close end end source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(a.path) rg = source.replaygain assert_kind_of DTAS::ReplayGain, rg assert_in_delta 0.0, rg.track_peak.to_f, 0.00000001 assert_in_delta 0.0, rg.album_peak.to_f, 0.00000001 assert_operator rg.album_gain.to_f, :>, 1 assert_operator rg.track_gain.to_f, :>, 1 end def test_offset tmp = new_file('flac') or return source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(*%W(#{tmp.path} 5s)) assert_equal 5, source.offset_samples source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(*%W(#{tmp.path} 1:00:00.5)) expect = 1 * 60 * 60 * 44100 + (44100/2) assert_equal expect, source.offset_samples source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(*%W(#{tmp.path} 1:10.5)) expect = 1 * 60 * 44100 + (10 * 44100) + (44100/2) assert_equal expect, source.offset_samples source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(*%W(#{tmp.path} 10.03)) expect = (10 * 44100) + (44100 * 3/100.0) assert_equal expect, source.offset_samples end def test_offset_us tmp = new_file('flac') or return source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(*%W(#{tmp.path} 441s)) assert_equal 10000.0, source.offset_us source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(*%W(#{tmp.path} 22050s)) assert_equal 500000.0, source.offset_us source = DTAS::Source::Av.new.try(tmp.path, '1') assert_equal 1000000.0, source.offset_us end end if `which avconv 2>/dev/null` =~ /avconv/ && `which avprobe 2>/dev/null` =~ /avprobe/