# Copyright (C) all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ # frozen_string_literal: true require './test/player_integration' require 'dtas/util' class TestRgIntegration < Testcase include PlayerIntegration include DTAS::Util def tmp_pluck(len = 5) pluck = Tempfile.open(%w(pluck .flac)) cmd = %W(sox -R -n -r44100 -c2 -C0 #{pluck.path} synth #{len} pluck) assert system(*cmd), cmd.inspect cmd = %W(metaflac --set-tag=REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN=-2 --set-tag=REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN=-3.0 --set-tag=REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK=0.666 --set-tag=REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK=0.999 #{pluck.path}) assert system(*cmd), cmd.inspect [ pluck, len ] end def test_rg_changes_added s = client_socket pluck, len = tmp_pluck # create the default sink, as well as a dumper dumper = Tempfile.open(%w(dump .sox)) dump_pid = Tempfile.new(%w(dump .pid)) default_pid = default_sink_pid(s) dump_cmd = "echo $$ > #{dump_pid.path}; sox $SOXFMT - #{dumper.path}" s.req_ok("sink ed dump active=true command='#{dump_cmd}'") # start playback! s.req_ok("enq \"#{pluck.path}\"") # wait for playback to start yaml = cur = nil Timeout.timeout(5) do begin cur = DTAS.yaml_load(yaml = s.req("current")) end while cur["current_offset"] == 0 && sleep(0.01) end assert_nil cur["current"]["env"]["RGFX"] assert_equal DTAS::Format.new.rate * len, cur["current_expect"] wait_files_not_empty(dump_pid) pid = read_pid_file(dump_pid) check_gain = proc do |expect, mode| s.req_ok("rg mode=#{mode}") Timeout.timeout(5) do begin yaml = s.req("current") cur = DTAS.yaml_load(yaml) end while cur["current"]["env"]["RGFX"] !~ expect && sleep(0.01) end assert_match expect, cur["current"]["env"]["RGFX"] end check_gain.call(%r{gain -3}, "album_gain") check_gain.call(%r{gain -2}, "track_gain") check_gain.call(%r{gain 0\.}, "album_peak") check_gain.call(%r{gain 2\.5}, "track_peak") s.req_ok("rg preamp+=1") rg = DTAS.yaml_load(yaml = s.req("rg")) assert_equal 1, rg["preamp"] s.req_ok("rg preamp-=1") rg = DTAS.yaml_load(yaml = s.req("rg")) assert_nil rg["preamp"] s.req_ok("rg preamp=2") rg = DTAS.yaml_load(yaml = s.req("rg")) assert_equal 2, rg["preamp"] s.req_ok("rg preamp-=0.3") rg = DTAS.yaml_load(yaml = s.req("rg")) assert_equal 1.7, rg["preamp"] s.req_ok("rg preamp-=-0.3") rg = DTAS.yaml_load(yaml = s.req("rg")) assert_equal 2.0, rg["preamp"] s.req_ok("rg preamp-=+0.3") rg = DTAS.yaml_load(yaml = s.req("rg")) assert_equal 1.7, rg["preamp"] dethrottle_decoder(s) # ensure we did not change audio length wait_pid_dead(pid, len) samples = `soxi -s #{dumper.path}`.to_i assert_equal cur["current_expect"], samples assert_equal `soxi -d #{dumper.path}`, `soxi -d #{pluck.path}` stop_playback(default_pid, s) end def test_rg_env_in_source s = client_socket s.req_ok("rg mode=album_gain") pluck, _ = tmp_pluck cmd = DTAS::Source::Sox::SOX_DEFAULTS["command"] fifo = tmpfifo s.req_ok("source ed sox command='env > #{fifo}; #{cmd}'") s.req_ok("sink ed default command='cat >/dev/null' active=true") s.req_ok(%W(enq #{pluck.path})) rg = {} File.readlines(fifo).each do |line| line =~ /\AREPLAYGAIN_/ or next k, v = line.chomp!.split(/=/) rg[k] = v end expect = { "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN" => "-2", "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN" => "-3.0", "REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK" => "0.666", "REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK" => "0.999", } assert_equal expect, rg end end