# -*- encoding: binary -*- # Copyright (C) 2013, Eric Wong # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) require './test/player_integration' class TestPlayerIntegration < Minitest::Unit::TestCase include PlayerIntegration def test_cmd_rate pid = fork do @fmt.to_env.each { |k,v| ENV[k] = v } exec("sox -n $SOXFMT - synth 3 pinknoise | #@cmd") end t = Time.now _, _ = Process.waitpid2(pid) elapsed = Time.now - t assert_in_delta 3.0, elapsed, 0.5 end if ENV["MATH_IS_HARD"] # ensure our @cmd timing is accurate def test_sink_close_after_play s = client_socket @cmd = "cat >/dev/null" default_pid = default_sink_pid(s) Tempfile.open('junk') do |junk| pink = "sox -n $SOXFMT - synth 0.0001 pinknoise | tee -i #{junk.path}" s.send("enq-cmd \"#{pink}\"", Socket::MSG_EOR) wait_files_not_empty(junk) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) end wait_files_not_empty(default_pid) pid = read_pid_file(default_pid) wait_pid_dead(pid) end def test_sink_killed_during_play s = client_socket default_pid = default_sink_pid(s) cmd = Tempfile.new(%w(sox-cmd .pid)) pink = "echo $$ > #{cmd.path}; sox -n $SOXFMT - synth 100 pinknoise" s.send("enq-cmd \"#{pink}\"", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) wait_files_not_empty(cmd, default_pid) pid = read_pid_file(default_pid) Process.kill(:KILL, pid) cmd_pid = read_pid_file(cmd) wait_pid_dead(cmd_pid) end def test_sink_activate s = client_socket s.send("sink ls", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "default", s.readpartial(666) # setup two outputs # make the default sink trickle default_pid = Tempfile.new(%w(dtas-test .pid)) pf = "echo $$ >> #{default_pid.path}; " s.send("sink ed default command='#{pf}#@cmd'", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) # make a sleepy sink trickle, too sleepy_pid = Tempfile.new(%w(dtas-test .pid)) pf = "echo $$ >> #{sleepy_pid.path};" s.send("sink ed sleepy command='#{pf}#@cmd' active=true", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) # ensure both sinks were created s.send("sink ls", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "default sleepy", s.readpartial(666) # generate pinknoise pinknoise = "sox -n -r 44100 -c 2 -t s32 - synth 0 pinknoise" s.send("enq-cmd \"#{pinknoise}\"", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) # wait for sinks to start wait_files_not_empty(sleepy_pid, default_pid) # deactivate sleepy sink and ensure it's gone sleepy = File.read(sleepy_pid).to_i assert_operator sleepy, :>, 0 Process.kill(0, sleepy) s.send("sink ed sleepy active=false", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) wait_pid_dead(sleepy) # ensure default sink is still alive default = File.read(default_pid).to_i assert_operator default, :>, 0 Process.kill(0, default) # restart sleepy sink sleepy_pid.sync = true sleepy_pid.seek(0) sleepy_pid.truncate(0) s.send("sink ed sleepy active=true", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) # wait for sleepy sink wait_files_not_empty(sleepy_pid) # check sleepy restarted sleepy = File.read(sleepy_pid).to_i assert_operator sleepy, :>, 0 Process.kill(0, sleepy) # stop playing current track s.send("skip", Socket::MSG_EOR) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) wait_pid_dead(sleepy) wait_pid_dead(default) end def test_env_change s = client_socket tmp = Tempfile.new(%w(env .txt)) s.preq("sink ed default active=true command='cat >/dev/null'") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) s.preq("env FOO=BAR") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) s.preq(["enq-cmd", "echo $FOO | tee #{tmp.path}"]) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) wait_files_not_empty(tmp) assert_equal "BAR\n", tmp.read tmp.rewind tmp.truncate(0) s.preq("env FOO#") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) s.preq(["enq-cmd", "echo -$FOO- | tee #{tmp.path}"]) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) wait_files_not_empty(tmp) assert_equal "--\n", tmp.read end def test_sink_env s = client_socket tmp = Tempfile.new(%w(env .txt)) s.preq("sink ed default active=true command='echo -$FOO- > #{tmp.path}'") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) s.preq("sink ed default env.FOO=BAR") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) s.preq(["enq-cmd", "echo HI"]) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) wait_files_not_empty(tmp) assert_equal "-BAR-\n", tmp.read tmp.rewind tmp.truncate(0) s.preq("sink ed default env#FOO") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) Timeout.timeout(5) do begin s.preq("current") yaml = s.readpartial(66666) cur = YAML.load(yaml) end while cur["sinks"] && sleep(0.01) end s.preq(["enq-cmd", "echo HI"]) assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) wait_files_not_empty(tmp) assert_equal "--\n", tmp.read end def test_enq_head s = client_socket default_sink_pid(s) dump = Tempfile.new(%W(d .sox)) s.preq "sink ed dump active=true command='sox $SOXFMT - #{dump.path}'" assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) noise, len = tmp_noise s.preq("enq-head #{noise.path}") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) s.preq("enq-head #{noise.path} 4") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) s.preq("enq-head #{noise.path} 3") assert_equal "OK", s.readpartial(666) dethrottle_decoder(s) expect = Tempfile.new(%W(expect .sox)) c = "sox #{noise.path} -t sox '|sox #{noise.path} -p trim 3' " \ "-t sox '|sox #{noise.path} -p trim 4' #{expect.path}" assert system(c) Timeout.timeout(len) do begin s.preq("current") yaml = s.readpartial(66666) cur = YAML.load(yaml) end while cur["sinks"] && sleep(0.01) end assert(system("cmp", dump.path, expect.path), "files don't match #{dump.path} != #{expect.path}") end end