# Copyright (C) 2014-2020 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ # frozen_string_literal: true require 'yaml' require_relative 'sox' require_relative '../splitfx' require_relative '../watchable' class DTAS::Source::SplitFX < DTAS::Source::Sox # :nodoc: MAX_YAML_SIZE = 512 * 1024 attr_writer :sox, :sfx include DTAS::Watchable if defined?(DTAS::Watchable) SPLITFX_DEFAULTS = SOX_DEFAULTS.merge( "command" => "#{SOX_DEFAULTS["command"]} $FX", "tryorder" => 3, ) def initialize(sox = DTAS::Source::Sox.new) command_init(SPLITFX_DEFAULTS) @watch_extra = [] @sox = sox end def try(ymlfile, offset = nil, trim = nil) @splitfx = @ymlhash = nil st = File.stat(ymlfile) return false if !st.file? || st.size > MAX_YAML_SIZE # read 4 bytes first to ensure we have a YAML file with a hash: buf = "".dup File.open(ymlfile, "rb") do |fp| return false if fp.read(4, buf) != "---\n" buf << fp.read end sfx = DTAS::SplitFX.new Dir.chdir(File.dirname(ymlfile)) do # ugh @ymlhash = YAML.load(buf) @ymlhash['tracks'] ||= [ "t 0 default" ] sfx.import(@ymlhash) sfx.infile.replace(File.expand_path(sfx.infile)) end @splitfx = sfx @infile = ymlfile sox = @sox.try(sfx.infile, offset, trim) or return false rv = source_file_dup(ymlfile, offset, trim) rv.sox = sox rv.env = sfx.env rv.sfx = sfx rv rescue => e warn "#{e.message} (#{e.class})" false end def __load_comments if c = @ymlhash["comments"] return c.each { |k,v| c[k] = v.to_s } end @sox.__load_comments end def command_string @ymlhash["command"] || super end def src_spawn(player_format, rg_state, opts) raise "BUG: #{self.inspect}#src_spawn called twice" if @to_io e = @env.merge!(player_format.to_env) @sfx.infile_env(e, @sox.infile) # watch any scripts or files the command in the YAML file refers to if c = @sfx.command @sfx.expand_cmd(e, c).each do |f| File.readable?(f) and @watch_extra << f end end # allow users to specify explicit depdendencies to watch for edit case extra = @ymlhash['deps'] when Array, String @watch_extra.concat(Array(extra)) end # make sure these are visible to the "current" command... e["TRIMFX"] = trimfx e["RGFX"] = rg_state.effect(self) || nil e.merge!(@rg.to_env) if @rg @pid = dtas_spawn(e, command_string, opts) end def to_hsh to_hash.delete_if { |k,v| v == SPLITFX_DEFAULTS[k] } end def format @sox.format end def samples! @sox.samples! end def samples @sox.samples end def duration @sox.duration end def source_defaults SPLITFX_DEFAULTS end def cuebreakpoints @splitfx.cuebreakpoints end end