# Copyright (C) 2013-2014, Eric Wong and all contributors # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) require_relative '../../dtas' require_relative '../source' require_relative '../command' require_relative '../format' require_relative '../process' require_relative '../cue_index' module DTAS::Source::File # :nodoc: attr_reader :infile attr_reader :offset attr_accessor :tryorder require_relative 'common' # dtas/source/common require_relative 'mp3gain' include DTAS::Command include DTAS::Process include DTAS::Source::Common include DTAS::Source::Mp3gain FILE_SIVS = %w(infile comments command env) # for the "current" command SRC_SIVS = %w(command env tryorder) def source_file_dup(infile, offset) rv = dup rv.__file_init(infile, offset) rv end def __file_init(infile, offset) @env = @env.dup @format = nil @infile = infile @offset = offset @comments = nil @samples = nil @cuebp = nil @rg = nil end # this exists mainly to make the mpris interface easier, but it's not # necessary, the mpris interface also knows the sample rate def offset_us (offset_samples / format.rate.to_f) * 1000000 end # returns any offset in samples (relative to the original source file), # likely zero unless seek was used def offset_samples return 0 unless @offset case @offset when /\A\d+s\z/ @offset.to_i else format.hhmmss_to_samples(@offset) end end # A user may be downloading the file and start playing # it before the download completes, this refreshes def samples! @samples = nil samples end def comments @comments ||= __load_comments end def to_hash rv = ivars_to_hash(FILE_SIVS) rv["samples"] = samples rv end def replaygain @rg ||= DTAS::ReplayGain.new(comments) || DTAS::ReplayGain.new(mp3gain_comments) end def to_source_cat ivars_to_hash(SRC_SIVS) end def load!(src_hsh) SRC_SIVS.each do |field| val = src_hsh[field] and instance_variable_set("@#{field}", val) end end def to_state_hash defaults = source_defaults # see dtas/source/{av,sox}.rb to_source_cat.delete_if { |k,v| v == defaults[k] } end def cuebreakpoints rv = @cuebp and return rv rv = [] begin str = qx(@env, %W(metaflac --export-cuesheet-to=- #@infile)) rescue return rv end str.scan(/^ INDEX (\d+) (\S+)/) do |m| index = m[0] time = m[1].dup case time when /\A\d+\z/ time << "s" # sample count (flac 1.3.0) else # HH:MM:SS:FF # FF/75 CDDA frames per second, convert to fractional seconds time.sub!(/:(\d+)\z/, "") frames = $1.to_f if frames > 0 time = sprintf("#{time}.%0.6g", frames / 75.0) end end rv << DTAS::CueIndex.new(index, time) end @cuebp = rv end end