# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../xs' require_relative '../parse_time' # client protocol handling for -player module DTAS::Player::ClientHandler # :nodoc: include DTAS::XS include DTAS::ParseTime # returns true on success, wait_ctl arg on error def set_bool(io, kv, v) case v when "false" then yield(false) when "true" then yield(true) else return io.emit("ERR #{kv} must be true or false") end true end def adjust_numeric(io, obj, k, v) negate = !!v.sub!(/\A-/, '') case v when %r{\A\+?\d*\.\d+\z} num = v.to_f when %r{\A\+?\d+\z} num = v.to_i else return io.emit("ERR #{k}=#{v} must be a float") end num = -num if negate if k.sub!(/\+\z/, '') # increment existing num += obj.__send__(k) elsif k.sub!(/-\z/, '') # decrement existing num = obj.__send__(k) - num # else # normal assignment end obj.__send__("#{k}=", num) true end # returns true on success, wait_ctl arg on error def set_int(io, kv, v, null_ok) case v when %r{\A-?\d+\z} yield(v.to_i) when "" null_ok or return io.emit("ERR #{kv} must be defined") yield(nil) else return io.emit("ERR #{kv} must an integer") end true end # returns true on success, wait_ctl arg on error def set_uint(io, kv, v, null_ok) case v when %r{\A\d+\z} yield(v.to_i) when %r{\A0x[0-9a-fA-F]+\z}i # hex yield(v.to_i(16)) when "" null_ok or return io.emit("ERR #{kv} must be defined") yield(nil) else return io.emit("ERR #{kv} must an non-negative integer") end true end def __sink_activate(sink) return if sink.pid @targets.concat(sink.sink_spawn(@format)) @targets.sort_by! { |t| t.sink.prio } end def drop_sink(sink) @targets.delete_if do |t| if t.sink == sink drop_target(t) true else false end end end # called to activate/deactivate a sink def __sink_switch(sink) if sink.active if @current # maybe it's still alive for now, but it's just being killed # do not reactivate it until we've reaped it if sink.pid drop_sink(sink) # we must restart @current if there's a moment we're target-less: __current_requeue unless @targets[0] else __sink_activate(sink) end end else drop_sink(sink) end # if we change any sinks, make sure the event loop watches it for # readability again, since we new sinks should be writable, and # we've stopped waiting on killed sinks @srv.wait_ctl(@sink_buf, :wait_readable) end def __sink_snapshot(sink) [ sink.command, sink.env, sink.pipe_size ].inspect end # returns a wait_ctl arg def dpc_sink(io, msg) name = msg[1] case msg[0] when "ls" io.emit(xs(@sinks.keys.sort!)) when "rm" sink = @sinks.delete(name) or return io.emit("ERR #{name} not found") drop_sink(sink) io.emit("OK") when "ed" sink = @sinks[name] || (new_sink = DTAS::Sink.new) # allow things that look like audio device names ("hw:1,0" , "/dev/dsp") # or variable names. sink.valid_name?(name) or return io.emit("ERR sink name invalid") sink.name = name active_before = sink.active before = __sink_snapshot(sink) # multiple changes may be made at once msg[2..-1].each do |kv| k, v = kv.split('=', 2) case k when %r{\Aenv\.([^=]+)\z} sink.env[$1] = v when %r{\Aenv#([^=]+)\z} v == nil or return io.emit("ERR unset env has no value") sink.env.delete($1) when "prio" rv = set_int(io, kv, v, false) { |i| sink.prio = i } rv == true or return rv @targets.sort_by! { |t| t.sink.prio } if sink.active when "nonblock", "active" rv = set_bool(io, kv, v) { |b| sink.__send__("#{k}=", b) } rv == true or return rv when "pipe_size" rv = set_uint(io, kv, v, true) { |u| sink.pipe_size = u } rv == true or return rv when "command" # nothing to validate, this could be "rm -rf /" :> sink.command = v.empty? ? DTAS::Sink::SINK_DEFAULTS["command"] : v end end @sinks[name] = new_sink if new_sink # no errors? it's a new sink! after = __sink_snapshot(sink) # start or stop a sink if its active= flag changed. Additionally, # account for a crashed-but-marked-active sink. The user may have # fixed the command to not crash it. if (active_before != sink.active) || (sink.active && (!sink.pid || before != after)) __sink_switch(sink) end io.emit("OK") when "cat" sink = @sinks[name] or return io.emit("ERR #{name} not found") io.emit(sink.to_hash.to_yaml) else io.emit("ERR unknown sink op #{msg[0]}") end end def bytes_decoded(src = @current) bytes = src.dst.bytes_xfer - src.dst_zero_byte bytes = bytes < 0 ? 0 : bytes # maybe negative in case of sink errors end # returns seek offset as an Integer in sample count def __seek_offset_adj(dir, offset) if offset.sub!(/s\z/, '') offset = offset.to_i else # time offset = @current.format.hhmmss_to_samples(offset) end n = __current_decoded_samples + (dir * offset) n = 0 if n < 0 "#{n}s" end def __current_decoded_samples initial = @current.offset_samples decoded = @format.bytes_to_samples(bytes_decoded) decoded = out_samples(decoded, @format, @current.format) initial + decoded end def __current_requeue return unless @current # no need to requeue if we're already due to die return if @current.requeued @current.requeued = true dst = @current.dst # prepare to seek to the desired point based on the number of bytes which # passed through dst buffer we want the offset for the @current file, # which may have a different rate than our internal @format if @current.respond_to?(:infile) # this offset in the @current.format (not player @format) @queue.unshift([ @current.infile, "#{__current_decoded_samples}s" ]) else # DTAS::Source::Cmd (hash), just rerun it @queue.unshift(@current.to_hsh) end # We also want to hard drop the buffer so we do not get repeated audio. __buf_reset(dst) end def out_samples(in_samples, infmt, outfmt) in_rate = infmt.rate out_rate = outfmt.rate return in_samples if in_rate == out_rate # easy! (in_samples * out_rate / in_rate.to_f).round end # returns the number of samples we expect from the source # this takes into account sample rate differences between the source # and internal player format def current_expect_samples(in_samples) # @current.samples out_samples(in_samples, @current.format, @format) end def dpc_rg(io, msg) return io.emit(@rg.to_hsh.to_yaml) if msg.empty? before = @rg.to_hsh msg.each do |kv| k, v = kv.split('=', 2) case k when "mode" case v when "off" @rg.mode = nil else DTAS::RGState::RG_MODE.include?(v) or return io.emit("ERR rg mode invalid") @rg.mode = v end when "fallback_track" rv = set_bool(io, kv, v) { |b| @rg.fallback_track = b } rv == true or return rv when %r{(?:gain_threshold|norm_threshold| preamp|norm_level|fallback_gain|volume)[+-]?\z}x rv = adjust_numeric(io, @rg, k, v) rv == true or return rv end end after = @rg.to_hsh __current_requeue if before != after io.emit("OK") end def active_sinks sinks = @targets.map(&:sink) sinks.uniq! sinks end # show current info about what's playing # returns non-blocking iterator retval def dpc_current(io, msg) tmp = {} if @current tmp["current"] = s = @current.to_hsh s["spawn_at"] = @current.spawn_at s["pid"] = @current.pid # this offset and samples in the player @format (not @current.format) decoded = @format.bytes_to_samples(bytes_decoded) if @current.respond_to?(:infile) initial = tmp["current_initial"] = @current.offset_samples initial = out_samples(initial, @current.format, @format) tmp["current_expect"] = current_expect_samples(s["samples"]) s["format"] = @current.format.to_hash.delete_if { |_,v| v.nil? } else initial = 0 tmp["current_expect"] = nil s["format"] = @format.to_hash.delete_if { |_,v| v.nil? } end tmp["current_offset"] = initial + decoded end tmp["current_inflight"] = @sink_buf.inflight tmp["format"] = @format.to_hash.delete_if { |_,v| v.nil? } tmp["bypass"] = @bypass.sort! t = @trim and tmp['trim'] = t.join(' ') if tmp['paused'] = @paused first = @queue[0] and tmp['current_paused'] = first end rg = @rg.to_hsh tmp["rg"] = rg unless rg.empty? if @targets[0] sinks = active_sinks tmp["sinks"] = sinks.map! do |sink| h = sink.to_hsh h["pid"] = sink.pid h end end tmp['tracklist'] = @tl.to_hsh(false) io.emit(tmp.to_yaml) end def __buf_reset(buf) # buf is always @sink_buf for now @srv.wait_ctl(buf, :ignore) buf.buf_reset @srv.wait_ctl(buf, :wait_readable) end def dpc_skip(io, msg) __current_drop wall("skip") io.emit("OK") end def play_pause_handler(io, command) prev = @paused __send__("do_#{command}") io.emit({ "paused" => { "before" => prev, "after" => @paused, } }.to_yaml) end def do_pause return if @paused wall("pause") @paused = true __current_requeue end def do_play # no wall, next_source will wall on new track @paused = false return if @current n = _next unless n @tl.reset n = _next end next_source(n) end def do_play_pause @paused ? do_play : do_pause end def seek_internal(cur, offset) if cur.requeued @queue[0][1] = offset else @queue.unshift([ cur.infile, offset ]) cur.requeued = true __buf_reset(cur.dst) # trigger EPIPE end end def dpc_seek(io, msg) offset = msg[0] if @current if @current.respond_to?(:infile) begin if offset.sub!(/\A\+/, '') offset = __seek_offset_adj(1, offset) elsif offset.sub!(/\A-/, '') offset = __seek_offset_adj(-1, offset) # else: pass to sox directly end rescue ArgumentError return io.emit("ERR bad time format") end seek_internal(@current, offset) else return io.emit("ERR unseekable") end elsif @paused case file = @queue[0] when String @queue[0] = [ file, offset ] when Array file[1] = offset else return io.emit("ERR unseekable") end # unpaused case... what do we do? end io.emit("OK") end def restart_pipeline return if @paused __current_requeue stop_sinks end def dpc_restart(io, _) restart_pipeline io.emit('OK') end def dpc_format(io, msg) new_fmt = @format.dup msg.each do |kv| k, v = kv.split('=', 2) case k when "type" new_fmt.valid_type?(v) or return io.emit("ERR invalid file type") new_fmt.type = v when "channels", "bits", "rate" case v when "bypass" @bypass << k unless @bypass.include?(k) else rv = set_uint(io, kv, v, false) { |u| new_fmt.__send__("#{k}=", u) } rv == true or return rv @bypass.delete(k) end when "endian" new_fmt.valid_endian?(v) or return io.emit("ERR invalid endian") new_fmt.endian = v end end bypass_match!(new_fmt, @current.format) if @current if new_fmt != @format restart_pipeline # calls __current_requeue # we must assign this after __current_requeue since __current_requeue # relies on the old @format for calculation format_update!(new_fmt) end io.emit("OK") end def dpc_env(io, msg) if msg.empty? # this may fail for large envs due to SEQPACKET size restrictions # do we care? env = ENV.map do |k,v| "#{Shellwords.escape(k)}=#{Shellwords.escape(v)}" end.join(' ') return io.emit(env) end msg.each do |kv| case kv when %r{\A([^=]+)=(.*)\z} ENV[$1] = $2 when %r{\A([^=]+)#} ENV.delete($1) else return io.emit("ERR bad env") end end io.emit("OK") end def dpc_source(io, msg) map = @source_map op = msg.shift case op when "restart" __current_requeue return io.emit("OK") when "ls" s = map.keys.sort! { |a,b| map[a].tryorder <=> map[b].tryorder } return io.emit(s.join(' ')) end name = msg.shift src = map[name] or return io.emit("ERR non-existent source name") case op when "cat" io.emit(src.to_source_cat.to_yaml) when "ed" before = src.to_state_hash.inspect sd = src.source_defaults msg.each do |kv| k, v = kv.split('=', 2) case k when "command" src.command = v.empty? ? sd[k] : v when %r{\Aenv\.([^=]+)\z} src.env[$1] = v when %r{\Aenv#([^=]+)\z} v == nil or return io.emit("ERR unset env has no value") src.env.delete($1) when "tryorder" rv = set_int(io, kv, v, true) { |i| src.tryorder = i || sd[k] } rv == true or return rv source_map_reload end end after = src.to_state_hash.inspect __current_requeue if before != after && @current.class == src.class io.emit("OK") else io.emit("ERR unknown source op") end end def dpc_cd(io, msg) msg.size == 1 or return io.emit("ERR usage: cd DIRNAME") begin Dir.chdir(msg[0]) rescue => e return io.emit("ERR chdir: #{e.message}") end # wall(%W(cd msg[0])) # should we broadcast this? io.emit("OK") end def state_file_dump_async(io, sf) on_death = lambda { |_| @srv.wait_ctl(io, :wait_readable) } pid = fork do begin begin sf.dump(self) res = 'OK' rescue => e res = "ERR dumping to #{xs(sf.path)} #{e.message}" end io.to_io.send(res, Socket::MSG_EOR) ensure exit!(0) end end DTAS::Process::PIDS[pid] = on_death end def dpc_state(io, msg) case msg.shift when 'dump' dest = msg.shift if dest sf = DTAS::StateFile.new(dest, false) elsif @state_file sf = @state_file dest = sf.path else return io.emit("ERR no state file configured") end state_file_dump_async(io, sf) :ignore end end def _tl_skip @queue.clear __current_drop end def dpc_tl(io, msg) sub = msg.shift m = "_dpc_tl_#{sub.tr('-', '_')}" __send__(m, io, msg) if respond_to?(m) end def _dpc_tl_add(io, msg) path = msg.shift after_track_id = msg.shift after_track_id = after_track_id.to_i if after_track_id case set_as_current = msg.shift when 'true' then set_as_current = true when 'false', nil then set_as_current = false else return io.emit('ERR tl add PATH [after_track_id] [true|false]') end begin track_id = @tl.add_track(path, after_track_id, set_as_current) return io.emit('ERR FULL') unless track_id rescue ArgumentError => e return io.emit("ERR #{e.message}") end _tl_skip if set_as_current # if @current is playing, it will restart soon # start playing if we're currently idle next_source(_next) unless need_to_queue io.emit(track_id.to_s) end def _dpc_tl_repeat(io, msg) prev = @tl.repeat.to_s do_wall = true case msg.shift when 'true' then @tl.repeat = true when 'false' then @tl.repeat = false when '1' then @tl.repeat = 1 when nil do_wall = false end __wall("tl repeat #{@tl.repeat}") if do_wall io.emit("tl repeat #{prev}") end def _dpc_tl_shuffle(io, msg) prev = (!!@tl.shuffle).to_s v = msg.shift case v when 'debug' then return io.emit(@tl.shuffle.to_yaml) # TODO: remove when nil else set_bool(io, 'tl shuffle', v) do |b| @tl.shuffle = b __wall("tl shuffle #{b}") end end io.emit("tl shuffle #{prev}") end def _dpc_tl_consume(io, msg) prev = (!!@tl.consume).to_s v = msg.shift case v when nil else set_bool(io, 'tl consume', v) do |b| @tl.consume = b __wall("tl consume #{b}") end end io.emit("tl consume #{prev}") end def _dpc_tl_max(io, msg) prev = @tl.max case msg.shift when nil when %r{\A(\d[\d_]*)\z} then @tl.max = $1.to_i else return io.emit('ERR tl max must a non-negative integer') end io.emit("tl max #{prev}") end def _dpc_tl_remove(io, msg) track_id = msg.shift or return io.emit('ERR track_id not specified') track_id = track_id.to_i path = @tl.remove_track(track_id) or return io.emit('MISSING') rm = path.object_id # skip if we're removing the currently playing track if @current && @current.respond_to?(:infile) && @current.infile.object_id == rm _tl_skip end # drop it from the queue, too, in case it just got requeued or paused @queue.delete_if { |t| Array === t && t[0].object_id == rm } io.emit(path) end def _dpc_tl_get(io, msg) res = @tl.get_tracks(msg.map!(&:to_i)) res.map! { |tid, file| "#{tid}=#{file ? Shellwords.escape(file) : ''}" } io.emit("#{res.size} #{res.join(' ')}") end def _dpc_tl_tracks(io, msg) tracks = @tl.tracks io.emit("#{tracks.size} #{tracks.map!(&:to_s).join(' ')}") end def _dpc_tl_goto(io, msg) track_id = msg.shift or return io.emit('ERR track_id not specified') offset = msg.shift # may be nil if @tl.go_to(track_id.to_i, offset) _tl_skip next_source(_next) unless need_to_queue io.emit('OK') else io.emit('MISSING') end end def _dpc_tl_current(io, msg) track = @tl.cur_track io.emit(track ? track.to_path : 'NONE') end def _dpc_tl_current_id(io, msg) track = @tl.cur_track io.emit(track ? track.track_id.to_s : 'NONE') end def _dpc_tl_next(io, msg) _tl_skip io.emit('OK') end def _dpc_tl_prev(io, msg) @tl.previous! _tl_skip io.emit('OK') end def _dpc_tl_clear(io, msg) @tl.clear _tl_skip io.emit('OK') end def _dpc_tl_swap(io, msg) usage = 'ERR usage: "tl swap TRACK_ID_A TRACK_ID_B"' a_id = msg.shift or return io.emit(usage) b_id = msg.shift or return io.emit(usage) @tl.swap(a_id.to_i, b_id.to_i) or return io.emit('MISSING') io.emit('OK') end def __bp_prev_next(io, msg, cur, bp) case type = msg[1] when nil, "track" bp.keep_if(&:track?) when "pregap" bp.keep_if(&:pregap?) when "subindex" # any subindex bp.keep_if(&:subindex?) when /\A\d+\z/ # exact subindex match si = type.to_i bp.keep_if { |ci| ci.index == si } when "any" # anything goes else return io.emit("INVALID TYPE") end fmt = cur.format case msg[0] when "next" ds = __current_decoded_samples bp.each do |ci| next if ci.offset_samples(fmt) < ds seek_internal(cur, ci.offset) return io.emit("OK") end # go to the next (real) track if not found __current_drop when "prev" os = cur.offset_samples # where we currently started bp.reverse_each do |ci| next if ci.offset_samples(fmt) >= os seek_internal(cur, ci.offset) return io.emit("OK") end # offset may be nil/zero if we couldn't find a previous breakpoint seek_internal(cur, '0') end io.emit("OK") end def dpc_cue(io, msg) cur = @current if cur.respond_to?(:cuebreakpoints) bp = cur.cuebreakpoints case msg[0] when nil tmp = { "infile" => cur.infile, "cue" => bp.map(&:to_hash) } io.emit(tmp.to_yaml) when "next", "prev" return __bp_prev_next(io, msg, cur, bp) when "goto" index = msg[1] or return io.emit("NOINDEX") ci = bp[index.to_i] or return io.emit("BADINDEX") seek_internal(cur, ci.offset) return io.emit("OK") end else io.emit("NOCUE") end end def dpc_trim(io, msg) t = @trim case msg.size when 0 # OK when 1, 2 case msg[0] when 'off' @trim = nil else begin tbeg = parse_time(msg[0]) if tlen = msg[1] absolute = tlen.sub!(/\A=/, '') # 44:00 =44:55 tlen = parse_time(tlen) tlen -= tbeg if absolute end @trim = [ tbeg, tlen ] # seconds as float, since we don't know rate rescue => e return io.emit("ERR #{e.message}") end end __current_requeue else return io.emit('ERR usage: trim [off|TBEG [TLEN]]') end t = t ? t.map(&:to_s).join(' ') : 'off' __wall("trim #{t}") io.emit(t) end end # :startdoc: