# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true # require_relative '../dtas' require_relative 'process' require_relative 'source/sox' require_relative 'source/av' require_relative 'source/ff' require_relative 'source/splitfx' require 'socket' # For the DTAS Music Library, based on what MPD uses. class DTAS::Mlib # :nodoc: attr_accessor :follow_outside_symlinks attr_accessor :follow_inside_symlinks attr_accessor :tags DM_DIR = -1 DM_IGN = -2 include DTAS::Process Job = Struct.new(:wd, :ctime, :parent_id, :path) # same capitalization as in mpd TAGS = Hash[*( %w(Artist ArtistSort Album AlbumSort AlbumArtist AlbumArtistSort Title Track Name Genre Date Composer Performer Comment Disc MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID).map! { |x| [ x.downcase, x ] }.flatten!)] def initialize(db) if String === db db = "sqlite://#{db}" unless db.include?('://') require 'sequel/no_core_ext' db = Sequel.connect(db, single_threaded: true) end if db.class.to_s.downcase.include?('sqlite') db.transaction_mode = :immediate db.synchronous = :off db.case_sensitive_like = false else warn 'non-SQLite databases may not work in the future' end @db = db @pwd = nil @follow_outside_symlinks = true @follow_inside_symlinks = true @root_node = nil @tags = TAGS.dup @tag_map = nil @suffixes = nil @work = nil @sources = [ # order matters (sox = DTAS::Source::Sox.new), DTAS::Source::Av.new, DTAS::Source::Ff.new, DTAS::Source::SplitFX.new(sox), ] end def init_suffixes `sox --help 2>/dev/null` =~ /\nAUDIO FILE FORMATS:\s*([^\n]+)/s re = $1.split(/\s+/).map { |x| Regexp.quote(x) }.join('|') @suffixes = Regexp.new("\\.(?:#{re}|yml)\\z", Regexp::IGNORECASE) end def worker(todo) @work.close @db.tables # reconnect before chdir @pwd = Dir.pwd.b begin buf = todo.recv(16384) # 4x bigger than PATH_MAX ought to be enough exit if buf.empty? job = Marshal.load(buf) buf.clear worker_work(job) rescue => e warn "#{e.message} (#{e.class}) #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}\n" end while true end def ignore(job) @db.transaction do node_ensure(job.parent_id, job.path, DM_IGN, job.ctime) end end def worker_work(job) tlen = nil wd = job.wd if wd != @pwd Dir.chdir(wd) @pwd = wd end path = job.path found = nil @sources.each do |src| found = src.try(path) and break end return ignore(job) unless found tlen = found.duration return ignore(job) if tlen < 0 tlen = tlen.round tmp = {} found.comments.each do |tag, value| tag_id = @tag_map[tag] or next value.strip! # FIXME: this fallback needs testing [ Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding::ISO_8859_1 ].each do |enc| value.force_encoding(enc) if value.valid_encoding? value.encode!(Encoding::UTF_8) if enc != Encoding::UTF_8 tmp[tag_id] = value break end end end @db.transaction do node_id = node_ensure(job.parent_id, path, tlen, job.ctime)[:id] vals = @db[:vals] comments = @db[:comments] q = { node_id: node_id } comments.where(q).delete tmp.each do |tid, val| v = vals[val: val] q[:val_id] = v ? v[:id] : vals.insert(val: val) q[:tag_id] = tid comments.insert(q) end end end def update(path, opts = nil) # n.b. "jobs" is for CPU concurrency. Audio media is typically stored # on high-latency media or slow network file systems; so we use a high # number of jobs by default to compensate for the seek-heavy workload # this generates opts ||= {} jobs = opts[:jobs] || 8 init_suffixes st = File.stat(path) # we always follow the first dir even if it's a symlink st.directory? or raise ArgumentError, "path: #{path.inspect} is not a directory" @work and raise 'update already running' todo, @work = UNIXSocket.pair(:SOCK_SEQPACKET) @db.disconnect jobs.times { |i| fork { worker(todo) } } todo.close scan_dir(path, st) @work.close Process.waitall ensure @work = nil end def migrate require 'sequel' Sequel.extension(:migration, :core_extensions) # ugh... @db.transaction do Sequel::Migrator.apply(@db, "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/mlib/migrations") root_node # ensure this exists load_tags end end def load_tags return @tag_map if @tag_map tag_map = {} tags = @db[:tags] @tags.each do |lc, mc| unless q = tags[tag: mc] q = { tag: mc } q[:id] = tags.insert(q) end tag_map[lc] = q[:id] end # Xiph tags use "tracknumber" and "discnumber" %w(track disc).each do |x| tag_id = tag_map[x] and tag_map["#{x}number"] = tag_id end @tag_rmap = tag_map.invert.freeze tag_map.merge!(Hash[*(tag_map.map { |k,v| [k.upcase.freeze, v] }.flatten!)]) @tag_map = tag_map.freeze end def scan_any(path, parent_id) st = File.lstat(path) rescue return if st.directory? scan_dir(path, st, parent_id) elsif st.file? scan_file(path, st, parent_id) # elsif st.symlink? TODO # scan_link(path, st, parent_id) end end def scan_file(path, st, parent_id) return if @suffixes !~ path || st.size == 0 # no-op if no change if node = @db[:nodes][name: path, parent_id: parent_id] return if st.ctime.to_i == node[:ctime] || node[:tlen] == DM_IGN end job = Job.new(@pwd, st.ctime.to_i, parent_id, path) send_harder(@work, Marshal.dump(job)) end def root_node q = @root_node and return q # root node always has parent_id: 1 q = { parent_id: 1, # self name: '', } node = @db[:nodes][q] if node node[:dirname] = '' @root_node = node return node end begin q[:tlen] = DM_DIR q[:id] = @db[:nodes].insert(q) q rescue Sequel::DatabaseError # we may conflict on insert if we didn't use a transaction raise if @db.in_transaction? @root_node = @db[:paths][q] or raise end end def dir_vivify(parts, ctime) @db.transaction do dir = root_node last = parts.pop parts.each do |name| dir = node_ensure(dir[:id], name, DM_DIR) end node_ensure(dir[:id], last, DM_DIR, ctime) end end def node_update_maybe(node, tlen, ctime) q = {} q[:ctime] = ctime if ctime && ctime != node[:ctime] q[:tlen] = tlen if tlen != node[:tlen] return if q.empty? node_id = node.delete(:id) @db[:nodes].where(id: node_id).update(node.merge(q)) node[:id] = node_id end def node_lookup(parent_id, name) @db[:nodes][name: name, parent_id: parent_id] end def node_ensure(parent_id, name, tlen, ctime = nil) q = { name: name, parent_id: parent_id } if node = @db[:nodes][q] node_update_maybe(node, tlen, ctime) else # brand new node node = q.dup node[:tlen] = tlen node[:ctime] = ctime node[:id] = @db[:nodes].insert(node) end node end def cd(path) prev_wd = @pwd Dir.chdir(path) cur = @pwd = Dir.pwd.b yield ensure Dir.chdir(prev_wd) if cur && prev_wd @pwd = prev_wd end def scan_dir(path, st, parent_id = nil) cd(path) do # TODO: use parent_id if given dir = dir_vivify(@pwd.split(%r{/+}n), st.ctime.to_i) dir_id = dir[:id] @db[:nodes].where(parent_id: dir_id).each do |node| File.exist?(node[:name]) or remove_entry(node) end Dir.foreach('.', encoding: Encoding::BINARY) do |x| case x when '.', '..', %r{\n}n # files with newlines in them are rare and last I checked (in 2008), # mpd could not support them, either. So lets not bother for now. next else scan_any(x, dir_id) end end end end def send_harder(sock, msg) sock.sendmsg(msg) rescue Errno::EMSGSIZE sock.setsockopt(:SOL_SOCKET, :SO_SNDBUF, msg.bytesize + 1024) # if it still fails, oh well... begin sock.sendmsg(msg) rescue => e warn "#{msg.bytesize} too big, dropped #{e.class}" end end def find_dump_part(cur, base) parts = @pwd.split(%r{/+}n) parts.shift # no first part parts << base if base parts.each do |name| if cur = node_lookup(cur[:id], name) case cur[:tlen] when DM_DIR then next # keep going when DM_IGN then return [ :ignored, cur ] else # regular audio return cur if name.object_id == parts[-1].object_id return [ :notdir, cur ] end else return [ :missing, name ] end end cur end # returns an array on error def dump(path, cache, cb) dir = path base = nil retried = false begin found = cd(dir) { find_dump_part(root_node, base) } rescue Errno::ENOTDIR raise if retried || found dir, base = File.split(path) retried = true retry end return found if Array === found # error # success load_tags if found[:tlen] == DM_DIR emit_recurse(found, cache, cb) else parent = @db[:nodes][id: found[:parent_id]] parent or abort "missing parent for #{found.inspect}" parent[:dirname] ||= path_of(parent, cache) emit_1(found, parent, cache, cb) end end def count_distinct(tag) s = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(val_id)) FROM comments WHERE tag_id = ?' @db.fetch(s, @tag_map[tag]).single_value end def count_songs @db.fetch('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nodes WHERE tlen >= 0').single_value end def db_playtime @db.fetch('SELECT SUM(tlen) FROM nodes WHERE tlen >= 0').single_value end def stats rv = { songs: count_songs, db_playtime: db_playtime } %w(artist album).each { |k| rv[:"#{k}s"] = count_distinct(k) } rv end def path_of(node, cache) base = node[:name] return '/' if base == '' # root_node parent_id = node[:parent_id] base += '/' unless node[:tlen] >= 0 ppath = cache[parent_id] and return "#{ppath}/#{base}" parts = [] begin node = @db[:nodes][id: node[:parent_id]] break if node[:id] == node[:parent_id] parts.unshift node[:name] end while true parts.unshift('') cache[parent_id] = parts.join('/') parts << base parts.join('/').freeze end def emit_recurse(node, cache, cb) node[:dirname] ||= path_of(node, cache) @db[:nodes].where(parent_id: node[:id]).order(:name).each do |nd| next if nd[:id] == node[:id] # root_node case nd[:tlen] when DM_DIR then emit_recurse(nd, cache, cb) when DM_IGN then next else emit_1(nd, node, cb) end end end def emit_1(node, parent, cb) comments = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] } @db['SELECT c.tag_id, v.val FROM comments c ' \ 'LEFT JOIN vals v ON v.id = c.val_id ' \ "WHERE c.node_id = #{node[:id]} ORDER BY c.tag_id"].map do |c| comments[@tag_rmap[c[:tag_id]]] << c[:val] end cb.call(parent, node, comments) end def remove_entry(node) root_id = root_node[:id] node_id = node[:id] q = { parent_id: node_id } nodes = @db[:nodes] comments = @db[:comments] # remove children, step 1 nodes.where(q).each do |nd| nd_id = nd[:id] next if nd_id == root_id case nd[:tlen] when DM_DIR, DM_IGN remove_entry(nd) else comments.where(node_id: nd_id).delete end end # remove children, step 2 nodes.where(q).delete # finally remove ourselves comments.where(node_id: node_id).delete nodes.where(id: node_id).delete end def offset_limit(q, offset, limit) offset = offset.to_s limit = limit.to_s if limit =~ %r{\A\d+\z} q << "LIMIT #{limit}" q << "OFFSET #{offset}" if offset =~ %r{\A\d+\z} && offset != '0' end q end # based on the MPD command of the same name, unstable API def find(type, what, offset = 0, limit = nil) load_tags type = type.downcase q = [] case type when 'any' # TODO: add path name matches q << 'SELECT DISTINCT(n.id),n.* FROM nodes n ' \ 'LEFT JOIN comments c ON c.node_id = n.id ' \ 'LEFT JOIN vals v ON v.id = c.val_id ' \ 'WHERE v.val = ?' when *(@tags.keys) tag_id = @tag_map[type] q << 'SELECT DISTINCT(n.id),n.* FROM nodes n ' \ 'LEFT JOIN comments c ON c.node_id = n.id ' \ 'LEFT JOIN vals v ON v.id = c.val_id ' \ 'LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.id = c.tag_id ' \ "WHERE v.val = ? AND t.id = #{tag_id}" else raise ArgumentError, "invalid type=#{type.inspect}" end q << 'ORDER by n.parent_id,n.name' offset_limit(q, offset, limit) @db[q.join(' '), what].each { |node| yield node } end # based on the MPD command of the same name def search(type, what, offset = 0, limit = nil) load_tags type = type.downcase q = [] what = @db.literal(%Q(%#{what}%)) case type when 'any' # TODO: add path name matches q << 'SELECT DISTINCT(n.id),n.* FROM nodes n ' \ 'LEFT JOIN comments c ON c.node_id = n.id ' \ 'LEFT JOIN vals v ON v.id = c.val_id ' \ "WHERE v.val LIKE #{what}" when *(@tags.keys) tag_id = @tag_map[type] q << 'SELECT DISTINCT(n.id),n.* FROM nodes n ' \ 'LEFT JOIN comments c ON c.node_id = n.id ' \ 'LEFT JOIN vals v ON v.id = c.val_id ' \ 'LEFT JOIN tags t ON t.id = c.tag_id ' \ "WHERE t.id = #{tag_id} AND v.val LIKE #{what}" else raise ArgumentError, "invalid type=#{type.inspect}" end q << 'ORDER by n.parent_id,n.name' offset_limit(q, offset, limit) @db[q.join(' ')].each { |node| yield node } end end