# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 all contributors # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) require_relative '../dtas' require_relative 'process' require_relative 'serialize' # class represents an audio format (type/bits/channels/sample rate/...) # used throughout dtas class DTAS::Format # :nodoc: include DTAS::Process include DTAS::Serialize NATIVE_ENDIAN = [1].pack("l") == [1].pack("l>") ? "big" : "little" attr_accessor :type # s32, f32, f64 ... any point in others? attr_accessor :channels # 1..666 attr_accessor :rate # 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000 ... attr_accessor :bits # only set for playback on 16-bit DACs attr_accessor :endian FORMAT_DEFAULTS = { "type" => "s32", "channels" => 2, "rate" => 44100, "bits" => nil, # default: implied from type "endian" => nil, # unspecified } SIVS = FORMAT_DEFAULTS.keys def self.load(hash) fmt = new return fmt unless hash (SIVS & hash.keys).each do |k| fmt.instance_variable_set("@#{k}", hash[k]) end fmt end # some of these are sox-only, but that's what we mainly care about # for audio-editing. We only use ffmpeg/avconv for odd files during # playback. extend DTAS::Process def self.precision(env, infile) # sox.git f4562efd0aa3 qx(env, %W(soxi -p #{infile}), err: "/dev/null").to_i rescue # fallback to parsing the whole output s = qx(env, %W(soxi #{infile}), err: "/dev/null") s =~ /Precision\s+:\s*(\d+)-bit/n v = $1.to_i return v if v > 0 raise TypeError, "could not determine precision for #{infile}" end def self.from_file(env, infile) fmt = new fmt.channels = qx(env, %W(soxi -c #{infile})).to_i fmt.type = qx(env, %W(soxi -t #{infile})).strip fmt.rate = qx(env, %W(soxi -r #{infile})).to_i fmt.bits ||= precision(env, infile) fmt end def initialize FORMAT_DEFAULTS.each do |k,v| instance_variable_set("@#{k}", v) end end def to_sox_arg rv = %W(-t#@type -c#@channels -r#@rate) rv.concat(%W(-b#@bits)) if @bits # needed for play(1) to 16-bit DACs rv end # returns 'be' or 'le' depending on endianess def endian2 case e = @endian || NATIVE_ENDIAN when "big" "be" when "little" "le" else raise"unsupported endian=#{e}" end end # returns 1 or 0 depending on endianess def endian_opusenc case e = @endian || NATIVE_ENDIAN when "big" then "1" when "little" then "0" else raise"unsupported endian=#{e}" end end def to_eca_arg %W(-f #{@type}_#{endian2},#@channels,#@rate) end def to_hsh to_hash.delete_if { |k,v| v == FORMAT_DEFAULTS[k] } end def to_hash ivars_to_hash(SIVS) end def ==(other) a = to_hash b = other.to_hash a["bits"] ||= bits_per_sample b["bits"] ||= other.bits_per_sample a == b end # for the _decoded_ output def bits_per_sample return @bits if @bits /\A[fst](8|16|24|32|64)\z/ =~ @type or raise TypeError, "invalid type=#@type (must be s32/f32/f64)" $1.to_i end def bytes_per_sample bits_per_sample / 8 end def to_env rv = { "SOX_FILETYPE" => @type, "CHANNELS" => @channels.to_s, "RATE" => @rate.to_s, "ENDIAN" => @endian || NATIVE_ENDIAN, "SOXFMT" => to_sox_arg.join(' '), "ECAFMT" => to_eca_arg.join(' '), "ENDIAN2" => endian2, "ENDIAN_OPUSENC" => endian_opusenc, } begin # don't set these if we can't get them, SOX_FILETYPE may be enough rv["BITS_PER_SAMPLE"] = bits_per_sample.to_s rescue TypeError end rv end def bytes_to_samples(bytes) bytes / bytes_per_sample / @channels end def bytes_to_time(bytes) Time.at(bytes_to_samples(bytes) / @rate.to_f) end def valid_type?(type) !!(type =~ %r{\A[us](?:8|16|24|32)\z} || type =~ %r{\Af(?:32|64)\z}) end def valid_endian?(endian) !!(endian =~ %r{\A(?:big|little|swap)\z}) end # HH:MM:SS.frac (don't bother with more complex times, too much code) # part of me wants to drop this feature from playq, feels like bloat... def hhmmss_to_samples(hhmmss) time = hhmmss.dup rv = 0 if time.sub!(/\.(\d+)\z/, "") # convert fractional second to sample count: rv = ("0.#$1".to_f * @rate).to_i end # deal with HH:MM:SS t = time.split(/:/) raise ArgumentError, "Bad time format: #{hhmmss}" if t.size > 3 mult = 1 while part = t.pop rv += part.to_i * mult * @rate mult *= 60 end rv end end