# Copyright (C) 2013, Eric Wong and all contributors # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) require_relative '../dtas' class DTAS::Buffer # :nodoc: begin raise LoadError, "no splice with _DTAS_POSIX" if ENV["_DTAS_POSIX"] require 'io/splice' # splice is only in Linux for now... require_relative 'buffer/splice' include DTAS::Buffer::Splice rescue LoadError require_relative 'buffer/read_write' include DTAS::Buffer::ReadWrite end attr_reader :to_io # call nread on this attr_reader :wr # processes (sources) should redirect to this attr_accessor :bytes_xfer def initialize @bytes_xfer = 0 @buffer_size = nil @to_io, @wr = DTAS::Pipe.new end def self.load(hash) buf = new if hash bs = hash["buffer_size"] and buf.buffer_size = bs end buf end def to_hsh @buffer_size ? { "buffer_size" => @buffer_size } : {} end def __dst_error(dst, e) warn "dropping #{dst.inspect} due to error: #{e.message} (#{e.class})" dst.close unless dst.closed? end # This will modify targets # returns one of: # - :wait_readable # - subset of targets array for :wait_writable # - some type of StandardError # - nil def broadcast(targets) case targets.size when 0 :ignore # this will pause decoders when 1 broadcast_one(targets) else # infinity broadcast_inf(targets) end end def readable_iter # this calls DTAS::Buffer#broadcast from DTAS::Player yield(self, nil) end def inflight @to_io.nread end # don't really close the pipes under normal circumstances, just clear data def close bytes = inflight discard(bytes) if bytes > 0 end def buf_reset close! @bytes_xfer = 0 @to_io, @wr = DTAS::Pipe.new @wr.pipe_size = @buffer_size if @buffer_size end def close! @to_io.close @wr.close end end