#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright (C) 2013, Eric Wong and all contributors # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) require 'yaml' require 'optparse' require 'dtas/splitfx' usage = "#$0 [-n|--dry-run][-j [JOBS]][-s|--silent] SPLITFX_FILE.yml [TARGET]" overrides = {} # FIXME: not tested opts = { jobs: 1 } jobs = 1 OptionParser.new('', 24, ' ') do |op| op.banner = usage op.on('-n', '--dry-run') { opts[:dryrun] = true } op.on('-j', '--jobs [JOBS]', Integer) { |val| opts[:jobs] = val } op.on('-s', '--quiet', '--silent') { |val| opts[:silent] = true } op.parse!(ARGV) end args = [] ARGV.each do |arg| case arg when %r{\A(\w+)=(.*)\z} key, val = $1, $2 # only one that makes sense is infile=another_file overrides[key] = YAML.load(val) when %r{\A(\w+)\.(\w+)=(.*)\z} # comments.ARTIST='blah' top, key, val = $1, $2, $3 hsh = overrides[top] ||= {} hsh[key] = val else args << arg end end file = args.shift or abort usage target = args.shift || "flac" splitfx = DTAS::SplitFX.new splitfx.import(YAML.load(File.read(file)), overrides) splitfx.run(target, opts)