load "./GIT-VERSION-GEN" manifest = "Manifest.txt" gitidx = File.stat(".git/index") rescue nil if ! File.exist?(manifest) || File.stat(manifest).mtime < gitidx.mtime system("git ls-files > #{manifest}") File.open(manifest, "a") do |fp| fp.puts "NEWS" fp.puts "lib/dtas/version.rb" if system("make -C Documentation") require 'fileutils' FileUtils.rm_rf 'man' if system("make -C Documentation install-man") `git ls-files -o man`.split(/\n/).each do |man| fp.puts man end else warn "failed to install manpages for distribution" end else warn "failed to build manpages for distribution" end end File.open("NEWS", "w") do |fp| `git tag -l`.split(/\n/).each do |tag| %r{\Av([\d\.]+)} =~ tag or next version = $1 header, subject, body = `git cat-file tag #{tag}`.split(/\n\n/, 3) header = header.split(/\n/) tagger = header.grep(/\Atagger /)[0] time = Time.at(tagger.split(/ /)[-2].to_i).utc date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") fp.write("=== #{version} / #{date}\n\n#{subject}\n\n#{body}") end fp.flush if fp.size <= 5 fp.puts "Unreleased" end end end require 'hoe' Hoe.plugin :git include Rake::DSL Hoe.spec('dtas') do |p| developer 'Eric Wong', 'e@80x24.org' self.readme_file = 'README' self.history_file = 'NEWS' self.urls = %w(http://dtas.80x24.org/) self.summary = x = File.readlines("README")[0].split(/\s+/)[1].chomp self.description = self.paragraphs_of("README", 1) license "GPLv3+" end task :publish_docs do dest = "80x24.org:/srv/dtas/" system("rsync", "--files-from=.document", "-av", "#{Dir.pwd}/", dest) end task :coverage do env = { "COVERAGE" => "1", "RUBYOPT" => "-r./test/helper", } File.open("coverage.dump", "w").close # clear pid = Process.spawn(env, "rake") _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) require './test/covshow' exit status.exitstatus end