# Copyright (C) 2013, Eric Wong and all contributors # License: GPLv3 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) require 'tempfile' include Rake::DSL task "NEWS" do latest = nil fp = Tempfile.new("NEWS", ".") fp.sync = true `git tag -l`.split(/\n/).reverse.each do |tag| %r{\Av(.+)} =~ tag or next version = $1 header, subject, body = `git cat-file tag #{tag}`.split(/\n\n/, 3) header = header.split(/\n/) tagger = header.grep(/\Atagger /)[0] time = Time.at(tagger.split(/ /)[-2].to_i).utc latest ||= time date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") fp.puts "# #{version} / #{date}\n\n#{subject}" if body && body.strip.size > 0 fp.puts "\n\n#{body}" end fp.puts end fp.puts "Unreleased" unless fp.size > 0 fp.puts "# COPYRIGHT" bdfl = 'Eric Wong ' fp.puts "Copyright (C) 2013, #{bdfl} and all contributors" fp.puts "License: GPLv3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)" fp.rewind assert_equal fp.read, File.read("NEWS") rescue nil fp.chmod 0644 File.rename(fp.path, "NEWS") fp.close! end task rsync_docs: "NEWS" do dest = ENV["RSYNC_DEST"] || "80x24.org:/srv/dtas/" top = %w(INSTALL NEWS README COPYING) files = [] # git-set-file-times is distributed with rsync, # Also available at: http://yhbt.net/git-set-file-times # on Debian systems: /usr/share/doc/rsync/scripts/git-set-file-times.gz sh("git", "set-file-times", "Documentation", "examples", *top) `git ls-files Documentation/*.txt`.split(/\n/).concat(top).each do |txt| gz = "#{txt}.gz" tmp = "#{gz}.#$$" sh("gzip -9 < #{txt} > #{tmp}") st = File.stat(txt) File.utime(st.atime, st.mtime, tmp) # make nginx gzip_static happy File.rename(tmp, gz) files << txt files << gz end sh("rsync --chmod=Fugo=r -av #{files.join(' ')} #{dest}") examples = `git ls-files examples`.split("\n") sh("rsync --chmod=Fugo=r -av #{examples.join(' ')} #{dest}/examples/") end