% dtas-player(1) dtas user manual =head1 NAME dtas-player - playback process for dtas =head1 SYNOPSYS dtas-player =head1 DESCRIPTION dtas-player is intended as a music player, but implemented as Unix process and pipeline manager, so it may run arbitrary commands and route data to just about any process. dtas-player is currently only queue-based, enqueued tracks are played only once. It only runs in a foreground console, so usage with L or L is recommended. By default, dtas-player uses the L command to decode audio, and pipes the data to a L process (also distributed with sox). It may be configured to output to multiple/arbitrary processes, and may invoke arbitrary commands for outputting audio (or any other data). dtas-player is controlled by a Unix socket, see L for details. Given the power of dtas-player to run arbitrary commands, this socket is created with restricted permissions and is only accessible by the user who invoked dtas-player. dtas-player maintains state across restarts with a state file. =head1 EXAMPLE Starting dtas-player is easy, it takes no arguments: $ dtas-player In a different terminal, enqueue your favorite track for playback: $ dtas-enq /path/to/your/favorite/music.flac In the terminal running dtas-player, some diagnostic information should be printed, as will any errors which occur. To see information about the currently playing track in YAML: $ dtas-ctl current As you should be able to see, a "default" sink is automatically created and playing the audio. =head1 TROUBLESHOOTING =head2 Audio playback does not start The most common problem with dtas-player is the L command (distributed with SoX) not using the correct audio device/driver. Ensuring the L command works with dtas-player is important. Consult SoX documentation and mailing lists for getting L to work, first. Once you find the correct AUDIODEV/AUDIODRIVER environment variables, you may set them via L: To play audio on my favorite USB DAC directly to ALSA, I use: $ dtas-ctl sink ed default env.AUDIODEV=hw:DAC env.AUDIODRIVER=alsa =head2 Seeking/playing audio from large video containers (e.g. VOB) fails This is a problem with large VOBs. We recommend breaking up the VOB into smaller files or using L or L to extract the desired audio stream. avconv -analyzeduration 2G -probesize 2G \ -i input.vob -vn -sn -c:a copy -map 0:$STREAM_NR output.ext =head1 ADVANCED EXAMPLES See L for more sink examples. =head1 ENVIRONMENT DTAS_PLAYER_SOCK - the path to the dtas-player listen socket. This defaults to ~/.dtas/player.sock DTAS_PLAYER_STATE - the state file of the dtas-player This defaults to ~/.dtas/player_state.yml dtas-player will automatically populate $SOXFMT and $ECAFMT when invoking sink and source commands. ReplayGain values are also exported to the source command if they exist in the source file: * REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_GAIN * REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_GAIN * REPLAYGAIN_ALBUM_PEAK * REPLAYGAIN_TRACK_PEAK =head1 FILES ~/.dtas/player_state.yml is a human-readable YAML file used to preserve state across restarts of dtas-player. =head1 CONTACT All feedback welcome via plain-text mail to: L Mailing list archives available at L and L No subscription is necessary to post to the mailing list. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013-2020 all contributors L License: GPL-3.0+ L =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L, L