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path: root/test/test_process.rb
DateCommit message (Collapse)
2013-08-29remove "encoding: binary" header use
We don't need it since IO#read(bytes, buf) will convert to ASCII-8BIT anyways. Everywhere else, we ensure path names are already binary. We do this mainly at the client layer before using Shellwords to escape the paths. We also must be careful about parsing output from soxi/avprobe which can show us metadata in whatever encoding is in the file. We must still handle data from parsing command output as binary, as the encoding of file metadata tends to vary. This also should buy us Syck compatibility for Ruby 1.9.3 users on Debian systems where Ruby 1.9.3 still uses Syck.
2013-08-28add license/copyright headers/footers to all files
All files we distribute in the tarball need to have a copyright/license specified for Savannah. We don't need the example state file anymore.
2013-08-26process (qx): disambiguate err/err_str, add no_raise
I forgot :err is already handled by Process.spawn, so split out the functionality into err_str where we want to use it. Also, add a :no_raise flag which will allow us to better handle avprobe/soxi calls which can fail and avoid needless exceptions.
2013-08-25process: allow passing env to qx
This should allow us to more easily transfer user-configured environment variables to helper tools (avprobe/soxi).